Mark Bingham - Exif/IPTC Data 8/30/2001! 13 Days before 9/11!
Mark Bingham was sold and told to us to be one of the heros of September 11th. The U.S.
State Run media told us so. Later the U.S. Congress would also say the same by making an
official Memoriam for Alan Beaven. Mr. Bingham was one of those who gathered both their
wit and their courage, and allied with several other bravado's from Flight 93, stormed the
hijackers and the cockpit, ejecting the hijackers, and saving what we were told was the
intended target, the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington D.C. They successfully foiled the
plan on this one flight, but in doing so, sacrificed their own lives. They died unbeaten,
unbroken. They went down in flames. This band of brothers died as Hero's of the first
class. True blue to the core.
There is a problem however. All of it is was a lie. None of it ever happened.
There is a rather large blunder on the part of CNN & the AP Press; Mark Binghams
Exif/IPTC data shows as 8/30/2001. Some 13 days before 9/11, complete with a working bio
and obituary, all carefully prepared, or in this case, not so carefully prepared some two
weeks before 9/11! It is no wonder that CNN went removing so many hundreds of pictures
from their CNN Memorial page, only weeks after breaking the Mike
Rivero/John Wenckus story. Mark
Binghams picture being one of them.
There are some major issues and incriminating evidence in the digital IPTC data. And it is
damning. Does anyone here think that it is a coincidence that Mark Binghams picture was
removed from the CNN Memorial archive, especially when we now know that the picture was
prepared weeks before 911 chock full with an obituary & has this information openly
available in the Exif data? The original picture of Mark Bingham showing the exif data of
8.30.01 can still be viewed at the Web Archive:
The picture being taken day, from our understanding is overwritten when the picture is
edited, as in this case, with the white side bard which says Family Photo/AP Press and
also the obituary which is embedded into the digital coding of the picture. For that
picture being taken day to be anything before 9/11 is extremely damning, as long as the
picture is like the one above, edited, with an obituary.
When someone edits the picture, the IPTC data is overwritten and the picture being taken
day is changed to the day of the last edit. Since this picture is allegedly from his 1993
graduation, 8.30.2001 cannot be anything other then when the picture was last edited and
prepared for it's 9/11 release. Before 9/11!
Mark Bingham was one of the "Lets Roll Hero's"
Mark Bingham was scripted with being one of the hero's on 9/11. For whatever reason. My
own guess is that the people who were allowed to play the role of hero's were well
connected individuals. Mark Bingham is the person who allegedly made a cell phone call to
his Mother from Flight 93 and told her; "This is Mark Bingham Mom, your son,. You
believe me right.." [From memory - citation needed] We were told he, Todd Beamer
and a few others then rushed the arab hijackers and crashed the plane.
Perhaps someone should email these people and inform them someone just took out one of
their hero's. The Exif/IPTC data inside the picture shows simply that the picture was
created and prepared just prior to 9/11. The implications are enormous, and simple to see
and understand.
Mark Binghams CNN Memorial Page - Web Archive |
Name: Mark K. Bingham |
Age:31 |
Residence: San Francisco, CA, United States |
Occupation: owner, The Bingham GroupLocation: |
UA Flight 93 Related: tribute |
Updated:January 2, 2002 |
Mark Bingham - Legacy page |
United Flight 93 |
Mark Bingham, 31, |
of San Francisco, |
owner of The Bingham Group, a public relations firm. |
Notice how it says how he was killed, 13 days before 9/11? Just who is Mark Bingham
anyway? We were told that he was an openly gay man. President of his fraternity. And told
that he nearly missed his flight, Flight 93. We were told the plane actually had closed
its door and then reopened it to allow him to board.
Yet we know now that Flight 93 never happened. That Mark Bingham never showed at the
airport, nor did any of the other 246 passengers and crew. FYI - We were also informed
quietly via the FBI that the Flight 93 drama never occurred. This came out in trial of one
of the alleged hijackers;
9/11 Flight
93 Passenger Uprising Theory Discounted - LA Times
Yet Mark Bingham was scripted with being one of the hero's. Was he already dead before
9/11? Did he ever really exist? If so, is he still alive? While we have this extremely
damning evidence which is even better then an actual smoking gun, it should still be noted
that there is still a mystery here as to just who Mark Bingham was. Yet this answers in a
very direct way, peoples questions as to what happened to the passengers. They were
created fictions, and various other categories of prepared aliases.
See Larry's article on the different categories of 'carefully prepared aliases.'
To think that this information was hidden inside all these pictures all these years
without anyone noticing. Information which effectively tells us that the pictures were
frauds, and made beforehand, complete with obituary and bio!
Just to point out the high caliber proof this represents, ask yourself; Would you rather
take your time showing somebody that cell phone calls cannot be made from commercial
aircraft, or would you rather simply show them how the pictures of the alleged victims and
victim hero's were created before 9/11?
Mark Bingham is not in the Social Security Death Index nor is he in the Victims Compensation Fund:
Why not?
Name Birth Death Age Last Address of Record Last Benefit Issued By SSN ToolsOrder Record? |
BINGHAM, MARK 28 Jan 1951 May 1981 30 (not specified) 02664 (South Yarmouth, Barnstable, MA) Massachusetts 025-42-9353 |
BINGHAM, MARK 06 Nov 1954 15 Aug 1994 3919154 (Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA) (none specified)Pennsylvania182-48-1642 |
BINGHAM, MARK O12 Jun 1966 12 Jun 2000 (P)34(72)(none specified) Idaho 518-98-0345 |
BINGHAM, MARK 30 Dec 1964 24 Aug 1996 (V)3177045 (Houston, Harris, TX )(none specified) Colorado524-31-6549 |
Exif/IPTC Digital Data hangs them!
This leaves no doubt as to whether or not the pictures and alleged victims were carefully
prepared aliases. Mark Binghams picture was in someones file and prepared and ready to use
some 13 days before 9/11. Sonia
Morales Puopolos Exif/IPTC digital data reads April 3rd, 2001, some 6 months or more
before 9/11! And there is little doubt in my mind that this is the very reason why CNN was
pulling hundreds of pictures off their CNN Memorial pages after breaking the story about Mike
Rivero possibly being John Wenckus.
So apparently we struck a nerve at CNN and someone with a sharp eye went through the
pictures and removed all the obvious pictures with obvious exif/IPTC digital data issues.
Imagine spending 10 Billion dollars and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of man hours on
pulling off 9/11, and then to have the entire operation be proven false because someone
out there took a single memorial picture and ran it through a free exif data viewer! They
had us where they wanted us. Arguing about what 911 evidence is best and whats crap and
keeping us hopelessly divided all along. But I think these new discoveries, by their mere
preponderance, will change everything in the 9/11 landscape.
When we see his mother and stepfather giving testimony about the days events on 9/11 and
their alleged son Mark Bingham, their story isn't very believable at all.
"To Achieve One World
Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism,
their loyalty to family traditions and national identification." (Brock Chisholm - Director of the World Health Organization)
"A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to
believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a
reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police
State Dictatorship it's going to
get." (Ian Williams Goddard)
The fact is that "political correctness" is all about creating uniformity. Individualism is one of the biggest obstacles in the way of the New World Order. They want a public that is predictable and conditioned to do as it's told without asking questions.
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." Thomas Jefferson