Joe Biden, B, Vice President, U.S. Senator from Deleware
Timothy Geithner, CFR, TC, B, Secretary of Treasury; President and CEO , Federal Reserrve Bank of New York, director of policy development of the IMF.
Paul Volcker, CFR, B, TC fmr North American Chmn. Economic Recovery Advisory Board; , fmr Federal Reserve Chmn, fmr Pres. Federal Reserve Bank of New York, chmn Rothschild Wolfensohn Company.
Lawrence Summers, CFR, TC, B, Natioonal Economic Council, former Treasury Secretary, fmr Pres, Harvard, chief economist World Bank, bd. mbr Brookings Inst.
Hillary Clinton, B, Secretary of State; U.S. Senator, New York (unofficial CFR, TC, Bilderberg member - she has attended their meetings)
James Steinberg, CFR, TC, Deputy Secretary of State, former Dean of the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin
Kurt M. Campbell. TC, Assistant Secretary of State, Asia & Pacific; Chief Executive Officer of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) in January 2007. He concurrently serves as Director of the Aspen Strategy Group and the Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Washington Quarterly,
Bill Richardson, B, CFR; Secretary of Commerce (since withdrew, influence scancal) Governor of New Mexico, fmr U. S. Congressman, fmr UN Ambassador, fmr Energy Secretary.
Robert Gates, CFR, B; Secretary of Defense, currently Sec Def in Bush Admin. former CIA Director.
Tom Daschle, B, CFR, Secretary of Health (since withdrew, tax scandal); fmr Senate majority leader from South Dakota.
Janet Napolitano, CFR; Homeland Security Director, Governor of Arizona,fmr U.S. Atty under Janet Reno in Clinton Admin. (instrumental in OKC cover-up).
Gen. James L. Jones, B, TC; National Security Advisor, Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, fmr NATO Commander, fmr special envoy to Middle East security, bd mbr Chevron and Boeing, mbr Inst. for International Affairs.
Thomas Donilon, CFR, TC; Deputy National Security Advisor, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Warren Christopher
Adm. Dennis B. Blair, TC, Director, National Intelligence
Susan Rice, CFR, TC, UN Ambassador, Rhodes Scholar, mbr Natl. Sec Council , Clinton Admin, fmr Asst Sec State for Africa, mbr Brookings Inst, and Aspen Strategy Group.
Dan Tarullo, CFR, Federal Reserve Bd of Gov., Georgetown University law professor
Karen Gordon Mills, CFR, to lead the Small Business Administration, a Maine venture capitalist
Gen. Eric Shinseki, CFR, Secretary, Dept Veterans Affairs, former Army Chief of Staff
George Mitchell, CFR, Middle East envoy, former Senator from Maine
Dennis B. Ross, CFR, B, TC, Ambasador-at-large for Middle East, former Director, Policy Planning in GHWBush admin
Richard Haass, CFR,TC, State Department, Special Envoy, president of the Council on Foreign Relations since July 2003, prior to which he was Director of Policy Planning for the United States Department of State and a close advisor to Secretary of State Colin Powell.
Richard Holbrooke, CFR, TC,
State Department, Special Envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan, top-ranking American
diplomat, magazine editor, author, professor, Peace Corps official, and investment banker.
The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which organized in
England . . . (and) . . . believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one world
rule established." [WITH NO APOLOGIES by Senator Barry Goldwater, Berkley Books, New
York, p 126]
The Trilateral Commission was formed in 1973 by private citizens of Japan, Europe
(European Union countries), and North America (United States and Canada) to foster closer
cooperation among these core democratic industrialized areas of the world with shared
leadership responsibilities in the wider international system.
"The Trilateral Commission is international . . . (and) . . . is intended to be the
vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing
control of the political government of the United States." [ WITH NO APOLOGIES, by
Senator Barry Goldwater, Berkley Books, New York, p 293]
The Bilderberg is a quasi-secret consortium of international elite who meet annually to
plan world economic and political policies. The Bilderberg has no membership per se. Those
identified with B in this chart have attended past Bilderberg meetings.