Even Fort Detrick Scientists Themselves Think the Killer Anthrax Came from their Facility
Even experts at the U.S. bioweapons facility at Fort Detrick think that the anthrax which was used in the 2001 attacks came from their facility:
"In an e-mail obtained by FOX News, scientists at Fort Detrick openly discussed
how the anthrax powder they were asked to analyze after the attacks was nearly identical
to that made by one of their colleagues.
"Then he said he had to look at a lot of samples that the FBI had prepared ... to
duplicate the letter material," the e-mail reads. "Then the bombshell. He said
that the best duplication of the material was the stuff made by [name redacted]. He said
that it was almost exactly the same
his knees got shaky and he sputtered, 'But I
told the General we didn't make spore powder!'"
Indeed, 3 of the 4 suspects the FBI
is investigating are employees of Fort Detrick, which is run by the Army.
This new information verifies that the anthrax came from the Fort Detrick military base (confirmed here).
Some people are pretending that someone unconnected with the army bioweapons facility at
Fort Detrick stole the anthrax. However, as the above-quoted article states:
"Fort Detrick is run by the United States Army. It's the most secure biological warfare research center in the United States," a bioterrorism expert told FOX News."
It is not very likely that someone could steal anthrax from the most secure facility in
the U.S., run by the Army.
Indeed, the FBI apparently knew in 2002 who mailed the anthrax letters. See this,
this, and
And yet government investigators and prosecutors have covered up and refused to disclose
who did it for 6 years. Initially, the FBI tried to frame an innocent man for the attacks.
More importantly, "The
FBI has completely shut Congress out of its now
five-year investigation into anthrax attacks on Capitol Hill and around the nation".
In other words, Congress -- which legally has every right to know what really happened,
and which was the main victim of the attack -- is being kept in the dark. If the FBI
really didn't know who did it, and was really conducting an honest investigation, why
would it stonewall Congress?
There is strong evidence that the anthrax attacks were a false flag attack. Indeed,
the bioweapons expert who actually drafted the current bioweapons law (the Biological
Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989) while working for President George H.W. Bush has said
that he is convinced the October
2001 anthrax attacks that killed five people were perpetrated and covered up by criminal
elements of the U.S. government. The motive: to foment a police state by killing off and
intimidating opposition to post-9/11 legislation such as the USA PATRIOT Act and the later
Military Commissions Act. See also this.
At the very least, the FBI and the White House are actively
covering up for the person who really did it. (George
Washington's Blog, 5.29.2008)