Cheney and the Oil Bigs Planned U.S. War Policy Before 9/11
You may have heard that the Energy Task Force chaired by Dick Cheney prior to 9/11 collected maps of Iraqi oil, Saudi and United Arab Emerates fields and potential suitors for that oil. And you might have heard that the oil bigs attended the Task Force meetings.
But you probably havent heard that a secret document written by the National Security Council (NSC) on February 3, 2001 directed NSC staff to cooperate fully with the Energy Task Force as it considered the melding of two seemingly unrelated areas of policy:
It is difficult to brush off Cheneys Energy Task Forces examination of arab oil maps as a harmless comparison of American energy policy with known oil reserves because the NSC explicitly linked the Task Force, oil, and regime change.
Indeed, a former senior director for Russian, Ukrainian, and Eurasian affairs at the NSC said:
See also this essay. (George Washingtons Blog, 7.04.2008)