by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) 2009 has been a crazy year for health and medicine. It was the year that
Congress rammed through a mandatory health "reform" bill that violates the U.S.
Constitution in forcing all Americans to buy government-mandated products and services
from greedy corporations. Although it hasn't been signed into law yet, the very fact that
it has been passed by both the House and the Senate is alarming: America is just one
signature away from becoming a medical dictatorship.
But that's not the only big health
news that happened in 2009. In all, 2009 was a year of corruption, scientific fraud and health freedom oppression. Here
are some of the highlights:
The FDA was hit hard in 2009 was accusations of corruption and criminal behavior. In
January, the FDA's own scientists accused management of committing crimes ( And in August, the FDA abandoned even the appearance
of standing up for safety by declaring that mercury fillings are safe for everyone
In order to protect its authority and boost Big Pharma's sales, the FDA also went after
numerous natural health companies in 2009. Stephen Heuer was arrested by the FDA in
January (, and by June, the FDA had
threatened to seize all natural products that boost immune health and protect against the
swine flu (
The FTC also joined the tyranny bandwagon, engaged in a war of threatening tactics against
a ministry selling anti-cancer herbs ( and ultimately ordering them
to lie to their customers about their products (
The FTC even went after Dr. Weil, threatening him with arrest and imprisonment for daring
to accurately describe the immune boosting effects of the astragalus herb (
Topping off the year of tyranny and oppression, in December the FDA staged an illegal
kidnapping of herbal formulator Greg Caton who was threatening the cancer industry with his
anti-cancer salve products made from Ecuadorian herbs (
2009 was also a bad year for Big Pharma. All kinds of new findings came out that show
the dangers of pharmaceuticals.
For example, did you know that HRT drugs
shrink women's brains? (
The drug industry was also
shown to be engaged in blatant scientific fraud.
AstraZeneca, for starters, taught its sales reps how to lie to doctors (,
and throughout the pharmaceutical
industry, many clinical trials were exposed as being entirely fraudulent (
On the researcher side, Big Pharma scientist Dr. Scott Reuben was caught fabricating 21
studies ( -- most of which were widely
quoted by other doctors to push
dangerous pills onto children. Also in 2009, Pfizer actually admitted to committing
felony crimes over its marketing of Bextra (
Merck was found to have created a "hit list" of doctors targeted for destruction
-- doctors who were speaking out against the safety of the company's drugs (
The company was also busted over its hiding of data about the dangers of Vioxx (
Not to be out-frauded by Merck, Pfizer
paid a record $1.3 billion fine in 2009 for intentionally misbranding its drugs (
Similarly, the Dept. of Health and Human Services was caught backing a medical device
"review board" that was actually led by a dead dog (
Big Pharma was also caught destroying the environment throughout 2009. In India, for
example, drug companies were caught dumping toxic pharmaceuticals into rivers (
Not surprisingly, lots of studies published in 2009 revealed that fish are contaminated
with pharmaceutical chemicals (
Pharmaceuticals are even contaminated with chemicals themselves, we discovered.
Some medications, for example, contain phthalates that "feminize" young boys (
The psych drug industry received yet more bad news in 2009 as its drugs were
shown to be even more dangerous than previously thought. ADHD drugs, in particular, were
found to cause all sorts of bizarre side effects including making children hallucinate (
Speaking of children, the FDA went out of its way to actually approve antipsychotic drugs
for children (, opening the doors to even
more mass drugging of our nation's youth.
Thanks to the psych drug industry, there were of course more shootings in 2009 ( and more sudden deaths from
Ritalin ( Both the Orlando and the Ft.
Hood shooters were also linked to psychiatric drugs (
2009 was also a huge year for findings about the contamination of the food supply. High Fructose Corn Syrup
("liquid Satan") was found to be contaminated with mercury (,
and "natural" soy protein was found to be bathed in toxic hexane solvents (
Infant formula was routinely found to be dangerous to infants, including a finding that infant formula was contaminated
with hexane ( It was also revealed in 2009
that the USDA openly allows e.coli-contaminated meat to be sold as hamburgers (
(They can also legally be made with beef from cows that are fed chicken feces.)
Also in 2009, the "Smart Choices" food labeling gimmick was revealed as a total
fraud (, discrediting Tufts University
and its hilarious nutritionist who thinks processed sugary cereals are good for you.
On the celebrity side, in 2009 Michael Phelps got caught smoking a bong (,
Oprah stirred up trouble by recommending KFC chicken dinners (,
Michael Jackson was killed by FDA-approved pharmaceuticals (,
and Patrick Swayze was killed by chemotherapy (
Actress Brittany Murphy was killed by "acute pharmaceutical toxicity" after
taking a lethal combination of FDA-approved prescription drugs that nobody thought to test
in combination (
Dr. Mehmet Oz, a very visible vaccine promoter, was also scrutinized for his financial
relationship with a vaccine technology company that hilariously denied having anything to
do with vaccines ( NaturalNews readers conducted research on the company in question
(SIGA Technologies) and found a huge amount of evidence linking the company to vaccines (including patents). (
On the bright side, I was fortunate to be able to conduct interviews with several
courageous, outspoken celebrities including Jane Goodall ( and Suzanne Somers (
Health freedom was under a major assault this year as sellers of raw milk found
themselves targeted in state-run sting operations (
In order to try to enhance health freedom, I worked with the Life Extension Foundation
(and other groups) to create the Health Revolution Petition (,
which offers a freedom-based health
care reform system that restores health freedom and even would help save America from financial destruction by
sharply reducing sick-care costs. It has so far been signed by over 35,000 people.
Of course, no overview of 2009 would be complete without covering the Swine Flu scam
and the ensuing mass vaccination con. We covered this in numerous articles: Why
vaccines harm children (, 10 things you're not supposed
to know about vaccines (, and how tissue from diseased
African monkeys is used to manufacture vaccines (
A leaked memo, never covered in the mainstream media, even
revealed that the swine flu
vaccine was linked to paralysis ( It wasn't long before the
vaccine was linked to other dangerous side effects, too, and it eventually put one young
athlete in a wheelchair (
The vaccine propaganda relied on a barrage of false and misleading statistics, so I
published a popular story exposing the statistical fraud used to promote these vaccines (
Swine Flu propaganda was nothing short of astonishing in 2009, and part of that propaganda
included information urging consumers to avoid using herbs, vitamins or natural products to
protect themselves. Remarkably, even the Natural Products Association got in on the
disinformation campaign ( The mainstream media, of
course, pushed the pro-vaccine hype to new levels by lying to their viewers and readers on
a regular basis (
By mid-October, it was obvious that swine flu vaccines were outright quackery (
Further supporting the idea that vaccines are based on total fraud, doctors, journalists
and health authorities refused to answer ten commonsense questions about flu vaccines (
-- questions that remain unanswered today. And nobody -- including the CDC or WHO -- dared
recommend vitamin D as a way for people to prevent swine flu infections (
The FDA did, however, allow Cocoa Krispies cereals to make claims for boosting immunity. (
At the same time, the public soon learned that the conventional drug being pushed for
swine flu -- Roche's Tamiflu drug -- was complete quackery too (
The fizzling out of H1N1 swine flu
didn't stop President Obama from declaring a national emergency by late October ( This "emergency"
was entirely fabricated, of course. The only real emergency taking place was the loss of
money by drug companies who were unable to sell their swine flu vaccines as profitably as
they had hoped.
On the vaccine front, Merck was under extreme fire for its Gardasil cervical cancer vaccines. We
promoted a petition to investigate Gardasil-related deaths (,
and we published stories about young girls who died after receiving Merck vaccines ( One girl suffered permanent brain damage after a Gardasil injection (
In October, 2009, a top Gardasil researcher went public with information warning about the
dangers of the vaccine (, but she immediately retracted
her story after being pressured by... guess who?
By the end of 2009, it was revealed that long-time head of the CDC, Dr. Julie Gerberding,
had been in discussions with Merck about taking the job of president of Merck's vaccine
division. She soon accepted that job and now works at Merck. (
This leap of such a high-profile government executive to a top position in Big Pharma
underscored the ongoing "revolving door" between industry and government.
Making the vaccine topic even more convoluted in 2009, Baxter shipped vaccines materials
containing live avian flu virus to 18 countries (
New information came out in 2009 about the link between autism and vaccines (,
and autism rates continued to skyrocket even while the conventional scientific community
denied any and all links to pharmaceuticals or vaccines (
2009 was also a terrible year for the mammogram industry, which found itself unable to
hide the truth about its "detection" scam any longer. The world learned that mammograms cause cancer and
actually harm more women than they help. (
Suzanne Somers bravely spoke out in an exclusive NaturalNews interview where she told the
full truth about the dangers of mammograms and the fraud of the cancer industry (
The cancer industry, not surprisingly, still refuses to answer the 21 questions I
posed in a widely-read article about the mammogram scam:
The cancer industry was also pounded by new research showing that chemotherapy causes long-term
neurological damage. (
Profiteering was a big theme in the cancer industry this year. One drug company announced
it would start selling a new cancer drug that costs $30,000 a month (
CT scans and medical imaging procedures were also exposed in 2009 as Americans learned the
truth about how dangerous they are to your health (
It turns out that being subjected to multiple CT scans is a lot like standing in the
blast radius of an atomic weapon (
The health care reform debate
took a turn for the worse in 2009 as nutritionally illiterate lawmakers passed a health
care reform bill that seemed designed to bankrupt America (
and destroy U.S. jobs (
While there was lots of talk about how to reform health care, the entire debate turned out
to be nothing but a scam to force Americans to buy into rip-off conventional medicine services and insurance scams.
All the important conversations about real health care reform never took place (
The entire future of America looked rather bleak as accelerating national debt collided with increased sickness and disease. In assessing the situation, I
published a widely-read article about the "New Mr. America" -- diseased and
bankrupt. (
Following that, I posted a highly popular special report called Nutrition Can Save
America! in which I laid out a plan for saving America by unleashing the healing power
of food and natural remedies
across the population. (
2009 was also the year in which the AIDS myth was exposed by a breakthrough documentary
called House of Numbers (
It turns out that conventional AIDS theories are based on complete hogwash, and all a
person really needs to prevent AIDS is a strong, healthy immune system (
In 2009, Big Pharma sought to win blanket immunity for all drugs, but the U.S. Supreme
Court surprisingly shot down the idea (
Throughout 2009, the courts continued to order parents to poison their children with
chemotherapy (
Young cancer patient Daniel Hauser was poisoned (virtually at gunpoint) by chemotherapy
doctors acting on court orders (
On the technology front, pulled a huge Big Brother event by remotely
deleting copies of the book 1984 from users' Kindle devices. NaturalNews responded
by calling for a boycott on the Kindle (
We've since learned that the Kindle's security has been hacked, allowing users to copy off
all their Amazon Kindle books as PDF files (yet another victory for the hackers over Big
In the realm of subatomic physics, 2009 was the year that people really started
talking about the new Large Hadron Collider (a supercollider) and the search for the Higgs
Boson particle. I wrote several important commentary pieces on this topic, explaining
why there's no such thing as a Higgs Boson "particle" (,
Also in the realm of science, 2009 was the year that U.S. Navy researchers finally
admitted that cold fusion is, indeed, quite real, reversing decades of denials
about this "free" energy technology which has been suppressed since 1989 (
In 2009, I also tried to educate people about the linguistic trickery used by modern
medicine (, but this topic turned out to
be far too advanced and not many people "got it." This led to the publication of
a very popular article asking why smart people are so stupid when it comes to issues like
vaccines, nutrition and vitamin D
In an effort to try to share natural health knowledge with the world, I personally built
and launched the world's largest online encyclopedia of quotes from natural health
authors, called NaturalPedia (
Also on the good side, our non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (
handed out numerous grants to schools and education centers around the world that invested
the money in teaching children (and some adults) about gardening, self-care, healing foods
and more. Here are links to some of the awards we gave out:
And here are a few of the success stories from this grant effort:
We covered lots of news about natural remedies in 2009. Here are just a few of the ones
we published on
• Grapeseed extract kills leukemia cancer cells
• Vitamin D halts growth of
breast cancer tumors (
• Blueberries lower cholesterol (
• Resveratrol prevents cancer and heart disease
• Astaxanthin is a natural anti-inflammatory nutrient
• Natural anti-viral
remedies can protect you from swine flu
• Yellow pea protein lowers blood
• Vitamin D lowers health care costs
• Selenium helps prevent cancer
• Cinnamon helps prevent diabetes
• Garlic treats high blood pressure
• Chaparral treats cancer
• Omega-3 oils beat depression
• Oregano oil eliminates parasites
• Magnesium prevents heart disease
• Cabbage stops stomach ulcers
• Acupuncture reverses infertility
• Colloidal silver works better than antibiotics
• Green tea prevents brain disorders
Well, there you have it! Those are the highlights of what NaturalNews covered in 2009.
It was a year of outrageous quackery, FDA tyranny, censorship and criminal acts on the
part of the pharmaceutical industry.
At the same time, it was also a year when more people finally woke up to the dangers of
mammograms and CT scans. NaturalNews readership climbed substantially through 2009 as more
people got turned on to the truth about natural remedies and the healing power of
The FDA and Big Pharma is now increasingly under fire as a result of the events of 2009,
and I suspect that in 2010 and beyond, the pharmaceutical industry is going to find itself
under increasing scrutiny as more and more of its criminal operations are exposed.
But don't expect the mainstream media to have anything to do with that. All the really
smart reporting is now happening on blogs and independent news sites. The mainstream media
continues to play its "Truman Show" game of broadcasting a fictional reality to
the people, hoping no one will notice what's really going on.
Thank you for reading NaturalNews in 2009, and we have a lot more in store for you in 2010
and beyond! With your help, perhaps we can see some real breakthroughs in health freedom
in 2010. One day, we might even get to witness the arrest and criminal prosecution of Big
Pharma's top executives who are guilty of crimes against humanity for continuing to wage
chemical warfare against the people (while poisoning the environment at the same time).
Stay tuned for more news from throughout 2010!