Broccoli and Tomatoes Fight Prostate Cancer

Yesterday I was working in London, and as I waited for the bus I saw a sign that said “One man in Britain dies from Prostate Cancer every hour.” As my dad, grandfather and great grandfather have all had Prostate cancer, it is of particular interest to me.

Combine these two Super Foods for Super Power

I am pleased to know that there is a very simple recipe for preventing this form of cancer... eating broccoli and tomatoes together on a daily basis. Both of these have cancer-fighting properties individually, but their super foods super power for fighting prostate cancer in men dramatically increases when consumed together.

“When tomatoes and broccoli are eaten together, we see an additive effect. We think it’s because different bioactive compounds in each food work on different anti-cancer pathways,” said University of Illinois food science and human nutrition professor John Erdman who led the study.

Researchers implanted prostate cells into laboratory rats. Some of the rats were fed a diet of 10 percent tomato powder and 10 percent broccoli powder. These rats did better than the other rats that were fed just tomato powder, just broccoli powder, or just lycopene, which is the red pigment in tomatoes believed to have potent health benefits. Another set of rats was fed finasteride, a prostate drug, whereas a last set of rats were castrated.

The rats fed the super foods combination of broccoli and tomato shrunk the prostate tumors much more effectively than any of the other rats (bless them!)

For the average man to get the same benefit, they need to eat approximately 1.4 cups of raw broccoli and 2.5 cups of fresh tomato to create the anti-cancer super foods combo.

Recently I wrote an article on why eating a variety of super foods with vibrant colors is so essential. This further shows how different foods bring out the best in each other.

Just before writing this, I made lunch for my husband and myself. It consisted of mashed sweet potatoes, with a super foods salad of finely chopped raw broccoli, tomatoes (our two key ingredients) Brussels sprouts, cucumber, and olive oil. Considering we have a similar salad nearly everyday, I am fairly certain my husband, unlike the other men in my life, will not have to endure prostate cancer. (Sheryl Walters (see all articles by this author)