With fad detox methods around every corner, it's hard to know which one can provide a
healthy cleanse without unpleasant side effects. A coconut oil detox is an excellent way
to cleanse without using complicated formulas or living off nothing but water for days on
end. Coconut oil is a powerful cleansing food that also provides plenty of natural energy
during a detox.
Coconut oil is largely comprised of medium-chain fatty acids, which are sent directly to
the liver for energy rather than storage. This type of fat is ideal for a cleanse, since
it can provide the energy needed at a time when less food is being consumed.
These same medium-chain fatty acids play a crucial role in cleansing the body from toxins.
Coconut oil is heralded as a natural health food, and a coconut oil detox simply speeds up
healing results by thoroughly flushing the entire body of toxins in a short time. Here are
just four types of conditions coconut oil can combat during a detox:
- Candida. In modern society, candida overgrowth is almost an epidemic. More people
are experiencing systemic candida, when the problem spreads throughout the body and causes
a myriad of unpleasant side effects. A coconut oil detox is completely void of sugar and
other carbohydrates, which effectively starves off all candida in the system. People who
suffer from candida will notice many conditions improve or disappear after a coconut oil
detox, including sugar cravings, fatigue, eczema, acne, repeat sinus infections and poor
- Fungal infections. Often connected with candida, repeat fungal infections like
ringworm and jock itch are linked to an imbalance of bacteria and fungal organisms in the
body. The lauric acid and caprylic acid in coconut oil are antifungal, so a coconut oil
detox is an effective way to cleanse the entire system of fungal growth. Many people with
fungal conditions report a complete recovery within the cleansing period.
- Digestive conditions. A coconut oil detox can help banish digestive conditions
like irritable bowl syndrome (IBS) and leaky gut syndrome by restoring health and balance
to the digestive system.
- Viruses. Lauric acid, which is found in abundance in coconut oil, is converted
into monolaurin in the body, which has strong antiviral properties that can protect
against and even destroy lipid-coated viruses like herpes and influenza.
How to Detox with Coconut Oil
A coconut oil cleanse is a very simple detoxification method that replaces regular food
with coconut oil, usually for about 3-7 days. Start your day with two tablespoons of
coconut oil and take 1-2 tablespoons throughout the day as necessary for up to 14
tablespoons total each day.
Take the coconut oil plain if you enjoy it that way, but those who can't tolerate
swallowing the oil straight can mix it with warm lemon water or plain organic yogurt if
necessary. You can use stevia if you'd like to sweeten the lemon water or yogurt, but no
sugar should be consumed during the cleanse. In his book Coconut Cures, Dr. Bruce
Fife adds that you can eat up to four ounces of fresh coconut meat daily while on the
detox if needed.
The best kind of coconut oil to use to detoxify is organic, raw extra virgin coconut oil.
This type of oil should be completely unrefined, expeller- or cold-pressed, unbleached and
not deodorized. This ensures you are getting the maximum natural benefits from your
coconut oil.
If you have never taken coconut oil before, then you'll want to let your body adjust by
slowly incorporating it into your diet before trying a coconut oil detox. Start with 1/2-1
teaspoon three times per day. Gradually work your way up to 1-2 tablespoons three times
daily. It may take two weeks to work up to the full amount. When you feel comfortable
taking this much coconut oil, then you should be ready to start a coconut oil detox.
Some people will experience "die-off" symptoms when they begin a coconut oil
detox. These symptoms are often flu-like, including headaches, joint stiffness, dizziness
and foggy-thinking. It may not feel so good, but it's a sign that your body is ridding
itself of harmful toxins like fungal organisms. Die-off symptoms usually only last for 3-5
days, but you can ease them by gradually introducing coconut oil to your diet before doing
a detox.
During a coconut oil detox, it's important to drink plenty of filtered water to nourish
the body and facilitate cleansing benefits. Here is a recipe for a delicious drink that
can replenish you during a cleanse:
1 cup pure lemon juice
6 cups filtered water
1 teaspoon sea salt
The lemon juice has cleansing properties, and the sea salt replaces minerals that may be
lost during a cleanse. Add stevia for a sweeter taste, but do not sweeten with any kind of
Remember, if you have medical conditions or if you are on prescription medications, it's
important to talk with your physician before trying a coconut oil cleanse. (naturalnews,
Elizabeth Walling, citizen journalist, See
all articles by this author, Email
this author) http://www.naturalnews.com/026529_coconut_oil_detox_candida.html
For More Information:
Fife. Bruce. Coconut Cures. (2004) Piccadilly Books.