A government-sponsored report has concluded that levels of fluoride that people
are regularly exposed to in drinking water can cause serious malfunctioning of the thyroid
glad, leading to even more serious health problems.
"A low level of thyroid hormone can increase the risk of cardiac disease, high
cholesterol, depression, and, in pregnant woman, decreased intelligence of
offspring," said study co-author Kathleen Thiessen.
The comprehensive review of the scientific literature on fluoride exposure and thyroid toxicity was conducted by a panel
appointed by the National Research Council of the National Academies (NRC). It found that
fluoride exposure was associated with low levels of thyroid and parathyroid hormones, and
an abnormally enlarged thyroid gland (goiter). They also found that fluoride tended to
concentrate in the thyroid more than in any organ but the kidneys.
"Fluoride has detrimental effects on the thyroid gland of healthy males at 3.5 mg a
day. With iodine deficiency, the
effect level drops to 0.7 milligrams a day for an average male," said Robert Carton,
an environmental scientist with 30 years of experience working for the government.
Most fluoridated water supplies
contain fluoride concentrations of 1.0 milligrams per liter, meaning that an adult male
would need to drink less than a gallon of water per day to reach toxic levels. An
iodine-deficient male would need to drink less than a liter.
"Many Americans are exposed to fluoride in the ranges associated with thyroid
effects, especially for people with iodine deficiency," Thiessen said. "The
recent decline in iodine intake in the U.S could contribute to increased toxicity of
fluoride for some individuals."
The report concluded that the EPA's safe threshold for fluoride in drinking water (four
parts per million) is too high.
A prior NRC report also found evidence that fluoride increases the uptake of aluminum into
the brain, damages bone health, and
may even lead to bone cancer.
Sources for this story include: www.pr-inside.com.
(naturalnews, 9.12.2008, by David
Gutierrez) http://www.naturalnews.com/z024192.html