And it worked. World governments spent billions of dollars on H1N1 flu vaccines,
many of which now need to be incinerated at additional taxpayer cost. The magnitude of
theft of public dollars that took place under this H1N1 fiasco is simply staggering. This
was one of the greatest public health swindles ever pulled off.
In all, we're talking about close to half a billion dollars in public money that
has been utterly wasted on flu vaccines that never even worked in the first place.
Yes, you read that right: Flu vaccines don't work. Not a shred of evidence exists
that they work any better than placebo. In fact, all the available evidence that I've been
able to find shows that the H1N1 flu vaccine was never even scientifically tested in a
legitimate clinical trial.
Nevertheless, the U.S. government spent nearly half a billion dollars on these quack
vaccines -- money that's now going up in flames, wasted on yet another public health scam
but at the same time fattening the wallets of the Big Pharma CEOs and shareholders who
profited handsomely from this charade.
You have to admit, it was a clever hustle. Street magic hustlers couldn't have done it any
better: The CDC, WHO, drug companies and mainstream media pulled off their
multi-billion-dollar scam with stunning effectiveness. The news was shaped, the statistics
were distorted (or outright made up and then called "official"), the science
hallucinations were properly marketed to health professionals, and levels of fear were
stoked into a raging fury that led to mindless purchases of useless vaccines that are now
utterly worthless. Actually they're worse than worthless: They are a liability where money
must now be spent to dispose of them.
The whole scam was downright brilliant... in an evil sort of way. And still today, the
health authorities who pulled this off claim they did nothing wrong! They insist they all
acted in your interests even though the only parties who benefitted from their
actions were the drug companies who profited from the vaccine scheme. Meanwhile, you and
all your tax-paying neighbors will ultimately foot the bill for this.
But don't put away your checkbook just yet: The vaccine industry plans to pull off the
very same scam this coming Fall. It worked once already, right? Why not gouge the
public again?
Get ready for another big season of quack vaccine science, influenza scare stories and
arrogant health officials urging everybody to go get vaccinated as soon as possible. And
during all this, they won't dare tell you about vitamin D, or immune boosting herbs, or
sunlight therapy or anything that can actually improve your health for free (or nearly
free). Instead, they want you to keep playing their "vaccine sucker" game where
you pony up twenty bucks to get jabbed in the arm with a drug they already know won't
really help you at all. (7.02.2010)
If you want to know just how deep the rabbit hole goes with this story, read this
shocking article on flu vaccine fraud by Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null:
It reveals things about the vaccine industry that you never could have imagined -- things
like the financial payoffs, the secret experts who decide when to issue a pandemic alert,
the science that proves flu vaccines don't work, the failure of the vaccine industry to
reveal the real results of their clinical trials, and much more.
It is a truly shocking (and disturbing) story about what really goes on in the vaccine
industry. Click the story link here to read it for yourself:
Sources for this story include:
CNS News: