Is it wise and prudent to have a root canal? There are issues with root canal therapy
that everyone should know before deciding to have one.
There has been recent research that presents valid proof of systemic illnesses that are a
direct result from latent infections lingering in filled roots. These conclusions are
based on research performed by Dr. Weston Price over a 25 year period in the beginning of
the twentieth century.
The research done by Dr. Weston Price discusses how root canals can cause bacteria to
become trapped inside the structure of teeth. This can be the cause of many diseases that
can be traced to one single source.
A high percentage of chronic degenerative diseases may actually originate from root
canals. The most common diseases are circulatory and heart disease. The next common
diseases are those involving joints and arthritis.
The allegation is that there was a series of events that led to important information
being hidden about seventy years ago by a group of doctors who didn't fully understand the
"focal infection theory."
What is the focal infection theory
and how is it connected to root canals?
The focal infection theory says that germs from a central focal infection (decaying teeth,
roots, inflamed gum tissues, and tonsils, can metastasize to the heart, eyes, kidneys,
lungs, or other organs and tissues. This then spreads the same infection to these new
areas. This theory has been proven extensively and is regarded as fact.
Focal infection states that the bacteria can move into surrounding tissues and travel to
other locations in the body through the bloodstream. This new location may be an organ or
tissue and the new colony will be a new infection for the body.
Currently, however, patients and doctors have been led into complacency by believing that
infections are not as serious because of antibiotics. This is simply not true. In the
situation of root-filled teeth, the no longer alive tooth does not have blood being
supplied to its interior. This means that antibiotics will not reach this area and will
not fight any bacteria that exist there.
Dr. Price performed many experiments while conducting his research. One such experiment
involved removing an infected tooth from a woman who had severe arthritis. Dr. Price took
the infected tooth and implanted it under the skin of a healthy rabbit. Incredibly, within
48 hours the rabbit had severe arthritis as well.
The claim is that all root-filled teeth contain bacteria or other infective agents. It
doesn't matter what technique is used or what material is used.
Another important point is that the main part of teeth that appear solid is called
"dentin." While this appears solid, it is actually made up of tiny
"tubules." In healthy teeth, these tubules will transport a fluid that nourishes
the inside of the tooth. A root-filled tooth does not have any fluid circulating through
it anymore, but the tubules remain. The bacteria that are present in this area of the
root-filled tooth seem to be out of reach of antibiotics. The tiny organisms hiding in the
tubules move further in to the interior of the tooth to stay and then multiply.
One more factor that plays an important role in this situation is the fact that large
bacteria are common in the mouth. These bacteria will change and adapt to changing
conditions. They can shrink to fit small areas and they can also survive on small amounts
of food. The organisms that must have oxygen are able to mutate and then survive without
oxygen. Because of this adaptation, these organisms can become pathogenic and are able to
produce serious disease.
Today's scientists are able to confirm the research conducted by Dr. Price all those years
ago. Recent research has shown strains of "streptococcus,"
"staphylococcus," and "spirochetes" existing in root canals.
Root canals will not make everyone sick. However, current belief is that every root canal
filling will leak and this leakage will allow bacteria to invade the structure. The
variable between those who become sick with a degenerative disease and those who do not
seems to be the strength of a person's immune system. People who are in good health will
be able to control the organisms that escape from their teeth and infiltrate other areas
of the body.
This is because the white blood cells and other fighters are not constantly busy with
other diseases. The immune system is able to prevent new bacterial colonies from taking
over other tissues in the body. Over time, however, most people who have had root canals
seem to develop various types of systemic symptoms that were not previously present.
If an extraction is necessary, it is now apparent that merely extracting the tooth is not
enough. It has been determined that bacteria are present in the tissues and bone just
adjacent to a tooth's root. The new recommendation is slow-speed drilling with a burr to
remove 1 millimeter of the entire bony socket.
If the tooth is dead and can't be saved, then the best course of action would be to have a
root canal with a material called "Biocalex." "Biocalex" eliminates
many of the dangerous bacteria and will cause fewer complications. If this fails, it may
be necessary to extract the tooth. It would be best to find a biological dentist for this
procedure. Many biological dentists have alternative methods that can save a tooth in some
Root Canal Cover-Up by George Meinig
(naturalnews, Jo Hartley, citizen journalist, See all articles by this author, Email this author)