In 1942, German intelligence officers rounded up skilled Jewish prisoners and
launched Operation Bernhardt, a clever scheme designed to counterfeit hundreds of
millions of dollars worth of British Pounds and destroy the British economy by flooding it
with counterfeit money. Located in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Operation
Bernhardt was, even by modern standards, a runaway success that resulted in the creation
of forged bank notes worth 132 million British Pounds.
This "economic warfare" operation resulted in a devastating economic effect on
the British economy. You can read the true history of this operation here:
It is important to note that Operation Bernhardt was an act of war, specifically
pursued for the purpose of destroying Britain's economy by creating so much new money that
the value of the money already in circulation would plummet. This was considered a
strategic attack, just as effective as carpet-bombing tank factories or mowing down
soldiers on the field with German-made MG42 machine guns.
What does all this have to do with the Federal Reserve?
Today, the Federal Reserve is engaged in an eerily similar operation,
counterfeiting trillions of dollars in U.S. bank notes and flooding the U.S. money supply
with money created from nothing. The result, of course, is the same as was intended
by Operation Bernhardt in 1942: The economic destruction of the target nation. Only this
time, the target is the United States of America.
Hilariously, the Fed claims it's doing this to save the economy. Yet the laws of
economics tell us that flooding the money supply with trillions of dollars in new money
actually harms the economy. And the Fed has been hard at work causing this harm:
$250+ billion two weeks ago, $600+ billion last week and $900 billion earlier this week!
It's beginning to crank up the printing presses to the tune of a trillion dollars a
week, and by doing so, it's contributing to the destruction of the U.S. economy at a
pace the Third Reich could have barely imagined.
If the actions pursued by the Federal Reserve were being masterminded by Al-Qaeda,
they would be denounced as acts of war. In World War II, such actions were deliberate
acts of war. Targeting the economy for destruction by flooding the money supply with
counterfeit currency is, by any measure, a threat to any nation.
So why is the Federal Reserve engaged in actions that, if committed by other nations,
would warrant a military response? This is not an idle question. I'm not asking this in a
satirical way. I'm quite serious about this: Why is the Fed committing acts of economic
warfare against the United States of America? (The Fed, by the way, is a private company.
It is not, as you've been led to believe, part of the U.S. government.)
The answer is obvious. You've probably already figured it out: The Federal Reserve is
at war with America. It's an economic war, of course, not a bombs-and-bullets war. The
casualties, though, are just as real: Savings accounts, retirement funds, bank accounts,
jobs, businesses, pensions and much more.
By counterfeiting trillions of dollars like a Sachsenhausen operation on steroids, the Fed
is carpet-bombing the U.S. economy with an unprecedented flood of fiat currency, causing
the exact same economic destruction intended by the Nazis in World War II (but on a much
more devastating scale). And it's doing this as part of a new economic war.
What war? The war between the wealthy elite and the working class. The Fed is
working hard, of course, to protect the wealthy elite. Over a trillion dollars of taxpayer
money has already been earmarked to bail out the rich, elite bankers who lost other
people's money in a series of idiotic bets on fictitious financial instruments.
And what are these bankers doing with this taxpayer money? According to an Associated
Press report published yesterday, executives of the failed insurance company AIG were sent
on a $440,000 retreat "to a posh California resort" less than one week after the
U.S. government bailed them out. At the spa, AIG executives enjoyed spa treatments,
massages, organic food buffets and bodywork therapy, all while the American taxpayers
footing the bill were slaving away in real jobs, doing real work. Want to see the invoice
for yourself? View it here:
That's how this new class warfare is taking shape: YOU (the working class) get all the
debt, all the losses, and all the financial burden. THEY (the wealthy elite) get all the
profits, all the luxury spa treatments, all the tax breaks and billions of dollars in free
money from the Federal Reserve.
In the 1942 Operation Bernhardt, the Germans literally planned to load hundreds of
millions of dollars in British Pound bank notes and air-drop them over London. The
resulting chaos, it was believed, would shut down the British economy, halting the flow of
money needed by Britain to fund its war effort. In the United States today, the Fed is
taking a different approach: Air-dropping trillions of dollars into the laps and bank
accounts of wealthy bankers and financial institution CEOs, concentrating the massive
creation of fiat currency into the hands of less than 1% of the population.
And just to make sure the economic carpet-bombing is a complete success, the Federal
Reserve and U.S. government are conspiring to create more than a trillion dollars in new
money each week, then flood those funds into banks, businesses and insurance companies.
This will, of course, devastate the value of the dollars being saved, held or earned by
the wage slaves who labor their lives away under this economic regime. (That would be you
and me.)
It's a brilliant plan... if you're interested in destroying a nation. This kind of attack
would bring almost any nation to its knees. It's an act of war that requires no violence,
no bombs and no destruction of real infrastructure. And yet it achieves what every war in
history has ever sought to achieve: The transfer of power from the hands of the many to
the hands of the few.
The Federal Reserve, in effect, has become a modern-day economic Third Reich, and it has
set its sights on the U.S. economy.
The Federal Reserve is now doing to the U.S. what the terrorists could never have
accomplished: The destruction of a large portion of its economy, its currency and the
savings of its people.
The economic losses of 9/11 pale in comparison to the financial destruction that has been
unleashed onto America by the Federal Reserve.
Yet, amazingly, it wasn't "terrorists" who put this plan into place. Who was it,
exactly? Your Congressional representatives played an important role in allowing
this to happen. In a grand, historical betrayal of the American people, members of your
own U.S. House of Representatives and Senate voted to initiate a massive economic coup in
America, violating the wishes of 99% of the American people (who are aligned against
bailing out the rich on the backs of the poor).
Of course, to hear them explain it, their actions are meant to save the taxpayers.
Yep, that's their plan: To save YOU, the taxpayer, by confiscating your money and handing
it over to the wealthy elite. And whatever money can't be stolen from the taxpayers will
be counterfeited by the Fed's money-creation machine.
We are not watching an economic rescue, friends. We are watching an economic
coup. Creating and dumping trillions of dollars into the money supply is an act of
war. But it's a war with a specific purpose.
What's happening right now is that the United States is being taken over by King Henry
and his accomplices. More than fifty percent of the housing and nearly twenty percent
of the entire U.S. economy is now controlled by one person -- Henry Paulson -- and that
person answers to no one. He isn't elected, he can't be removed from office, and he's
subject to no law.
King Henry controls unlimited funds. He can print any amount of money, or confiscate any
amount from the taxpayers (by spending taxpayer dollars to bail out his rich friends). If
the Federal Reserve is the new Third Reich, King Henry is its Hitler.
The economic war has already been lost by the People. It was lost on September 30, 2008,
when Congress surrendered the U.S. economy to King Henry. The People now own nothing but
paper money and ephemeral digital account numbers, all of which could be turned into
worthless digits overnight by a single decision from King Henry.
In this economic bailout and the Fed's unlimited creation of new money, America has
suffered the greatest act of economic warfare in our nation's history. Note carefully that
it wasn't conducted by the Nazis, Saddam Hussein or Al Qaeda. It was, in fact, put into
place by 172 Democrats and 91 Republicans in the House, and a similar majority in the U.S.
Senate. (See the complete list below.)
A system of exchange is not dependent on the dollar alone. Commerce will
survive the collapse of one currency. Trade will go on after this economic chaos
passes, and businesses will continue to be an important part of our economic future.
People will still need food, clothing, nutritional supplements, fuel, services, computers,
tutoring, services, pet products, children's products, cars, MP3 players and much more. The
end of the U.S. dollar is NOT the end of the world. It is simply the end of one
In my view, the best way to financial survive this economic warfare being conducted by the
Federal Reserve against the People is to create your own economic abundance by
owning (or launching) your own independent income sources.
In fact, I've written an entire report on how to accomplish this. It's called How to
Build Your Financial Safety Net. Due to this economic crisis, I've decided to release
it at no charge, and it's available right now at:
Read it if you want to be empowered, informed and insulated from the demise of the dollar.
Using the strategies you'll find in that report, you can drastically limit your losses in
this economic carpet-bombing of the U.S. economy. In fact, I believe you can emerge with greater
wealth than you had when it all started.
You probably won't be getting paid in dollars, however. Expect a new currency to be the
future system of exchange in America. But building reliable income streams now is a smart
way to survive the coming economic implosion that will put corporations, governments and
non-profits out of business. (If you work for a paycheck, your paycheck may be in danger
right now.)
By the way, do you think this article is radical? Some people have told me that my
reporting on the economic situation is "radical." You know what I told them?
I said imagine two households. One household balances its budget, spends only what it
brings home in income and has no debt. The other household spends twice as much as it
earns. It owes $50,000 on credit cards and borrows money from loan sharks to meet the
minimum payments on its credit cards.
Which household is "radical?"
Now consider this: The second household sneaks into the first household and steals money
to pay its own debts. On top of that, it has a counterfeit cash printing machine in the
basement, and it's cranking out thousands of dollars a week just to attempt to pay off its
credit cards. It's immune to the law because it buys off the local police for criminal
Which household is headed towards financial disaster? Which household has a real future,
and which one doesn't?
That second house, of course, is the United States government. My reporting on the U.S.
financial situation is downright tame compared to what's really going on behind the
scenes. I can't get radical enough to accurately describe the degree of deception
and outright theft that's taking place in Washington right now.
History will show that not only were my warnings accurate, they were understated by
a wide margin. Reporting the truth is a delicate thing. People can only stomach so much
truth at any one time. Few people can handle the whole truth, which is why I usually
refrain from reporting it. There are things stated in this article that only hint at much
bigger stories that will someday be told by others.
Only the most open-minded, skeptical thinkers can even mentally consider the real truth of
what's happening in our world today. Most people have been brainwashed into living in a
fictional world, and they are unable to even consider truths that threaten their grip on
As a result, the public has to be led by the hand from one realization to the next, little
by little, until they attain the ability to see the world as it really is rather than the
illusion that has been constructed for them by the very people running this financial
Check out this video to see how the Fed (and the fractional-reserve banking
system) creates money out of nothing:
Here is the list of those Congressional representatives who surrendered your
economic future to King Henry. A "Y" means a "Yes" vote (in favor of
the financial bailout legislation).
This is, in essence, a list of those who have betrayed the People by conspiring to
instigate acts of economic warfare against We the People. ("N" means they voted
No. "Y" means they voted Yes.")
Democrats - Cramer, Y; Davis, Y.
Republicans - Aderholt, N; Bachus, Y; Bonner, Y; Everett, Y; Rogers, Y.
Republicans - Young, N.
Democrats - Giffords, Y; Grijalva, N; Mitchell, Y; Pastor, Y.
Republicans - Flake, N; Franks, N; Renzi, N; Shadegg, Y.
Democrats - Berry, Y; Ross, Y; Snyder, Y.
Republicans - Boozman, Y.
Democrats - Baca, Y; Becerra, N; Berman, Y; Capps, Y; Cardoza, Y; Costa, Y; Davis, Y;
Eshoo, Y; Farr, Y; Filner, N; Harman, Y; Honda, Y; Lee, Y; Lofgren, Zoe, Y; Matsui, Y;
McNerney, Y; Miller, George, Y; Napolitano, N; Pelosi, Y; Richardson, Y; Roybal-Allard, N;
Sanchez, Linda T., N; Sanchez, Loretta, N; Schiff, Y; Sherman, N; Solis, Y; Speier, Y;
Stark, N; Tauscher, Y; Thompson, Y; Waters, Y; Watson, Y; Waxman, Y; Woolsey, Y.
Republicans - Bilbray, N; Bono Mack, Y; Calvert, Y; Campbell, Y; Doolittle, N; Dreier, Y;
Gallegly, N; Herger, Y; Hunter, N; Issa, N; Lewis, Y; Lungren, Daniel E., Y; McCarthy, N;
McKeon, Y; Miller, Gary, Y; Nunes, N; Radanovich, Y; Rohrabacher, N; Royce, N.
Democrats - DeGette, Y; Perlmutter, Y; Salazar, N; Udall, N.
Republicans - Lamborn, N; Musgrave, N; Tancredo, Y.
Democrats - Courtney, N; DeLauro, Y; Larson, Y; Murphy, Y.
Republicans - Shays, Y.
Republicans - Castle, Y.
Democrats - Boyd, Y; Brown, Corrine, Y; Castor, N; Hastings, Y; Klein, Y; Mahoney, Y;
Meek, Y; Wasserman Schultz, Y; Wexler, Y.
Republicans - Bilirakis, N; Brown-Waite, Ginny, N; Buchanan, Y; Crenshaw, Y; Diaz-Balart,
L., N; Diaz-Balart, M., N; Feeney, N; Keller, N; Mack, N; Mica, N; Miller, N; Putnam, Y;
Ros-Lehtinen, Y; Stearns, N; Weldon, Y; Young, N.
Democrats - Barrow, N; Bishop, Y; Johnson, N; Lewis, Y; Marshall, Y; Scott, Y.
Republicans - Broun, N; Deal, N; Gingrey, N; Kingston, N; Linder, N; Price, N;
Westmoreland, N.
Democrats - Abercrombie, Y; Hirono, Y.
Republicans - Sali, N; Simpson, Y.
Democrats - Bean, Y; Costello, N; Davis, Y; Emanuel, Y; Foster, Y; Gutierrez, Y; Hare, Y;
Jackson, Y; Lipinski, N; Rush, Y; Schakowsky, Y.
Republicans - Biggert, Y; Johnson, N; Kirk, Y; LaHood, Y; Manzullo, N; Roskam, N; Shimkus,
N; Weller, Y.
Democrats - Carson, Y; Donnelly, Y; Ellsworth, Y; Hill, N; Visclosky, N.
Republicans - Burton, N; Buyer, N; Pence, N; Souder, Y.
Democrats - Boswell, Y; Braley, Y; Loebsack, Y.
Republicans - King, N; Latham, N.
Democrats - Boyda, N; Moore, Y.
Republicans - Moran, N; Tiahrt, N.
Democrats - Chandler, N; Yarmuth, Y.
Republicans - Davis, N; Lewis, Y; Rogers, Y; Whitfield, N.
Democrats - Cazayoux, N; Jefferson, N; Melancon, Y.
Republicans - Alexander, Y; Boustany, Y; McCrery, Y; Scalise, N.
Democrats - Allen, Y; Michaud, N.
Democrats - Cummings, Y; Edwards, Y; Hoyer, Y; Ruppersberger, Y; Sarbanes, Y; Van Hollen,
Republicans - Bartlett, N; Gilchrest, Y.
Democrats - Capuano, Y; Delahunt, N; Frank, Y; Lynch, N; Markey, Y; McGovern, Y; Neal, Y;
Olver, Y; Tierney, Y; Tsongas, Y.
Democrats - Conyers, N; Dingell, Y; Kildee, Y; Kilpatrick, Y; Levin, Y; Stupak, N.
Republicans - Camp, Y; Ehlers, Y; Hoekstra, Y; Knollenberg, Y; McCotter, N; Miller, N;
Rogers, N; Upton, Y; Walberg, N.
Democrats - Ellison, Y; McCollum, Y; Oberstar, Y; Peterson, N; Walz, N.
Republicans - Bachmann, N; Kline, Y; Ramstad, Y.
Democrats - Childers, N; Taylor, N; Thompson, N.
Republicans - Pickering, Y.
Democrats - Carnahan, Y; Clay, N; Cleaver, Y; Skelton, Y.
Republicans - Akin, N; Blunt, Y; Emerson, Y; Graves, N; Hulshof, N.
Republicans - Rehberg, N.
Republicans - Fortenberry, N; Smith, N; Terry, Y.
Democrats - Berkley, Y.
Republicans - Heller, N; Porter, Y.
Democrats - Hodes, N; Shea-Porter, N.
Democrats - Andrews, Y; Holt, Y; Pallone, Y; Pascrell, Y; Payne, N; Rothman, N; Sires, Y.
Republicans - Ferguson, Y; Frelinghuysen, Y; Garrett, N; LoBiondo, N; Saxton, Y; Smith, N.
Democrats - Udall, N.
Republicans - Pearce, N; Wilson, Y.
Democrats - Ackerman, Y; Arcuri, Y; Bishop, Y; Clarke, Y; Crowley, Y; Engel, Y;
Gillibrand, N; Hall, Y; Higgins, Y; Hinchey, N; Israel, Y; Lowey, Y; Maloney, Y; McCarthy,
Y; McNulty, Y; Meeks, Y; Nadler, Y; Rangel, Y; Serrano, N; Slaughter, Y; Towns, Y;
Velazquez, Y; Weiner, Y.
Republicans - Fossella, Y; King, Y; Kuhl, Y; McHugh, Y; Reynolds, Y; Walsh, Y.
Democrats - Butterfield, N; Etheridge, Y; McIntyre, N; Miller, Y; Price, Y; Shuler, N;
Watt, Y.
Republicans - Coble, Y; Foxx, N; Hayes, N; Jones, N; McHenry, N; Myrick, Y.
Democrats - Pomeroy, Y.
Democrats - Kaptur, N; Kucinich, N; Ryan, Y; Space, Y; Sutton, Y; Wilson, Y.
Republicans - Boehner, Y; Chabot, N; Hobson, Y; Jordan, N; LaTourette, N; Latta, N; Pryce,
Y; Regula, Y; Schmidt, Y; Tiberi, Y; Turner, N.
Democrats - Boren, Y.
Republicans - Cole, Y; Fallin, Y; Lucas, N; Sullivan, Y.
Democrats - Blumenauer, N; DeFazio, N; Hooley, Y; Wu, Y.
Republicans - Walden, Y.
Democrats - Altmire, N; Brady, Y; Carney, N; Doyle, Y; Fattah, Y; Holden, N; Kanjorski, Y;
Murphy, Patrick, Y; Murtha, Y; Schwartz, Y; Sestak, Y.
Republicans - Dent, Y; English, N; Gerlach, Y; Murphy, Tim, N; Peterson, Y; Pitts, N;
Platts, N; Shuster, Y.
Democrats - Kennedy, Y; Langevin, Y.
Democrats - Clyburn, Y; Spratt, Y.
Republicans - Barrett, Y; Brown, Y; Inglis, Y; Wilson, Y.
Democrats - Herseth Sandlin, N.
Democrats - Cohen, Y; Cooper, Y; Davis, Lincoln, N; Gordon, Y; Tanner, Y.
Republicans - Blackburn, N; Davis, David, N; Duncan, N; Wamp, Y.
Democrats - Cuellar, Y; Doggett, N; Edwards, Y; Gonzalez, Y; Green, Al, Y; Green, Gene, N;
Hinojosa, Y; Jackson-Lee, Y; Johnson, E. B., Y; Lampson, N; Ortiz, Y; Reyes, Y; Rodriguez,
Republicans - Barton, N; Brady, Y; Burgess, N; Carter, N; Conaway, Y; Culberson, N;
Gohmert, N; Granger, Y; Hall, N; Hensarling, N; Johnson, Sam, N; Marchant, N; McCaul, N;
Neugebauer, N; Paul, N; Poe, N; Sessions, Y; Smith, Y; Thornberry, Y.
Democrats - Matheson, N.
Republicans - Bishop, N; Cannon, Y.
Democrats - Welch, Y.
Democrats - Boucher, Y; Moran, Y; Scott, N.
Republicans - Cantor, Y; Davis, Tom, Y; Drake, N; Forbes, N; Goode, N; Goodlatte, N;
Wittman, N; Wolf, Y.
Democrats - Baird, Y; Dicks, Y; Inslee, N; Larsen, Y; McDermott, N; Smith, Y.
Republicans - Hastings, N; McMorris Rodgers, N; Reichert, N.
Democrats - Mollohan, Y; Rahall, Y.
Republicans - Capito, N.
Democrats - Baldwin, Y; Kagen, N; Kind, Y; Moore, Y; Obey, Y.
Republicans - Petri, N; Ryan, Y; Sensenbrenner, N.
Republicans - Cubin, Y. (naturalnews,
10.08.2008, Mike Adams) (see
all articles by this author)
Key concepts: Democrats, Republicans
and Federal Reserve -
About the author: Mike Adams is a natural health author and technology pioneer
with a passion for teaching people how to improve their health He has authored and
published thousands of articles, interviews, consumers guides, and books on topics like
health and the environment, impacting the lives of millions of readers around the world
who are experiencing phenomenal health benefits from reading his articles. Adams is a
trusted, independent journalist who receives no money or promotional fees whatsoever to
write about other companies' products. In 2007, Adams launched EcoLEDs, a maker of super bright LED light bulbs that are 1000% more energy
efficient than incandescent lights. He also launched an online retailer of environmentally-friendly products
( and uses a portion of its profits to help fund non-profit endeavors.
He's also a noted pioneer in the email marketing software industry, having been the first
to launch an HTML email newsletter technology
that has grown to become a standard in the industry. Adams is currently the executive
director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a
501(c)3 non-profit, and regularly pursues cycling, nature photography, Capoeira and
Pilates. Known on the 'net as 'the Health Ranger,' Adams shares his ethics, mission
statements and personal health statistics at