Kurt Nimmo
February 16, 2012
Despite all the hype drummed up by the establishment media about a scary Iranian or Hezbollah attack on “soft targets” in the United States, the Department of Homeland Security has admitted there is no specific threat facing the country.
House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Pete King fretted over a Hezbollah attack on the fatherland – specifically synagogues – but DHS boss Napolitano was obliged to admit no such threat exists. She said, however, that there is “a threat that bears watching.” Big Sis told King and his colleagues DHS and partners like the FBI “are constantly monitoring [Hezbollah's] activities around the world.”
Following attacks in India, Georgia and Thailand attributed to Iran and Hezbollah by Israel, the United States and the corporate media, the NYPD’s intelligence boss said Iran is the number one threat to the Big Apple.
CNN and the establishment media have enthusiastically hyped Israel’s terror narrative by running reports and stories speculating an attack on Jewish targets inside the United States.
Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, threw cold water on CNN’s fear mongering when he told the network “there is no call for panic.”
Napolitano’s DHS said last week that Jewish groups in the U.S. do not face a specific threat, but this has not stopped CNN and other networks from engaging in lurid speculation with little basis in reality.
Salon journalist Jeff Greenwald hit the nail on the head when he talked with Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks on Tuesday. Greenwald said the Obama administration has more or less taken a backseat and the current round of anti-Iran hysteria is coming primarily from the establishment media.
Greenwald said the corporate media’s one dimensional coverage is skewed because it invariably sides with Israel and acts as a megaphone for its propaganda campaign to demonize Iran and drum up public consensus backing an attack. www.infowars.com/big-sis-admits-u-s-does-not-face-terror-threat-from-iran-or-hezbollah
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." Thomas Jefferson