Dr. Dennis Cuddy
- The Power Elite and the Muslim
Brotherhood, Part 6, 11-28-11
- A "Bold New World" and
"Forces Too Powerful," Part 4, 11-14-11
- A "Bold New World" and
"Forces Too Powerful," Part 3, 10-31-11
- The Power Elite and the Muslim
Brotherhood, Part 5, 10-17-11
- A "Bold New World" and
"Forces Too Powerful," Part 2, 10-3-11
- A "Bold New World" and
"Forces Too Powerful," Part 1, 9-19-11
- Dropping the Ball 9-5-11
- The Absolute Power Game
- The Power Elite and the Muslim
Brotherhood, Part 4, 8-8-11
- The Power Elite and the Muslim
Brotherhood, Part 3, 7-25-11
- The Power Elite and the Muslim
Brotherhood, Part 2, 7-11-11
- The Power Elite and the Muslim
Brotherhood, Part 1, 6-27-11
- The “Ministry of Love”,
- Looming Economic Disaster,
- The Theory of Evolution, Part
2, 5-16-11
- The Theory of Evolution, Part
1, 5-2-11
- Abolish the U.S. Department of
Education, 4-18-11
- Socialist Sunday Schools,
- Eugenics, Part 2, 3-21-11
- A Guinea Pig Remembers, 3-7-11
- The Illuminati, Part 9,
- The Illuminati, Part 8, 2-7-11
- The Illuminati, Part 7,
- The Illuminati, Part 6,
- The Illuminati, Part 5,
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 22, 12-13-10
- The Illuminati, Part 4,
- The Illuminati, Part 3,
- The Illuminati, Part 2,
- The Illuminati, Part 1,
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 21, 10-4-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 20, 9-20-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 19, 9-6-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 18, 8-23-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 17, 8-9-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 16, 7-26-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 15, 7-12-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 14, 6-28-10
- Statue of Liberty: Part 4,
- Statue of Liberty: Part 3,
- Statue of Liberty: Part 2,
- Statue of Liberty: Part 1,
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 13, 4-19-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 12, 4-5-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 11, 3-22-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 10, 3-8-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 9, 2-22-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 8, 2-8-10
- Looking Backwards, Part 3,
- Looking Backwards, Part 2,
- Looking Backwards, Part 1,
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 7, 12-14-09
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 6, 11-30-09
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 5, 11-16-09
- Ministers of Euthanasia Part
3, 11-2-09
- Ministers of Euthanasia Part
2, 10-19-09
- Ministers of Euthanasia Part
1, 10-5-09
- Obamacare?, 9-21-09
- 9/11 Eighth Anniversary,
- A Falling Away, Part 2,
- A Falling Away, Part 1,
- Conditioning by Music, Part 2,
- Conditioning by Music, Part 1,
- The Occultic Wizard of OZ,
- The Racism and Anti-Liberalism of
Abortion 6-15-09
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 4, 6-1-09
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 3, 5-18-09
- What is the Role of Iran? Part
5, 5-4-09
- What is the Role of Iran? Part
4, 4-20-09
- What is the Role of Iran? Part
3, 4-6-09
- Obama and the New Age 3-13-09
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 2, 3-9-09
- The Power Elite and the Secret
Nazi Plan, Part 1, 2-23-09
- The Rockefeller Plan, Part 5,
- The Rockefeller Plan, Part 4,
- The Rockefeller Plan, Part 3,
- If War Had Not Come in Fierce and
Exaggerated Form 12-29-08
- The Rockefeller Plan, Part 2,
- The Rockefeller Plan, Part 1,
- Acts 10:34 and Cognitive
Dissonance 11-17-08
- Eugenics 11-3-08
- The People's Republic of America
- Rush Limbaugh 10-6-08
- Threats Used For Coercive
Compliance 9-22-08
- Educational Problems &
Solutions 9-8-08
- The Management Plan, Part 2,
- The Management Plan, Part 1,
- Obama, McCain: Tweedledum(b)
Tweedledum(ber) 7-28-08
- How Did They Know? 7-14-08
- Think you have a choice?
- Government and Press/Media
Cover-Ups 6-16-08
- The Global Economy and
School-To-Work 6-2-08
- Foundations and A Close Look at
Ford, Part 3, 5-5-08
- Foundations and A Close Look at
Ford, Part 2, 5-5-08
- Foundations and A Close Look at
Ford, Part 1, 4-21-08
- Transformation by Crises and
Syntheses 4-7-08
- Back to the 1930s
"Papiere, Bitte" 3-24-08
- You Will Come to Love Big Brother
- Geo-Politics, Economics, and
Globalization 2-25-08
- Tavistock 2-11-08
- The Power Elite's Use of Wars and
Crises 1-28-08
- The National Education Association
- Iraq, Iran and Pakistan
- The North American Union & The
Larger Plan 12-17-07
- And The Word Was Made Flesh
- What The Power Elite Uses
- Mental Health, Education and
Social Control, Part 36, 11-19-07
- American's New Religion
- Court-Ordered Busing Has Failed
- "Corruption" in
Athletics 10-15-07
- North American Union & Global
Integration 10-1-07
- Competition in America?
- 9/11 Anniversary, Pakistan and
Iraq 9-3-07
- Politics and Religion 8-20-07
- Do Americans Care About an
Atlantic Union? 8-6-07
- Javier Solana and the Larger Plan
- Why Should God Bless America?
- The Power Elite’s Planned
Dialectical "Crisis" 7-2-07
- Christian Principles 6-25-07
- Mental Health, Education &
Social Control, Part 35, 5-28-07
- Mental Health, Education &
Social Control, Part 34, 5-21-07
- The Power Elite's Use of War and
Debt 4-30-07
- Downplaying Activities That Dictate
Certain Geopolitical Goals 4-23-07
- TFN's Political Agenda 4-16-07
- Marc Tucker's "NEW"
education plan 4-9-07
- The Iraq war, oil, and world
government 3-26-07
- New edition of the BLP's textbook
still has problems 3-19-07
- Wake-Up Call 3-6-07
- Communitarians & others
connected to the BLP 2-18-07
- Economic Coercion 2-12-07
- Planned Slavery 2-5-07
- What are we doing in Iraq?,
Part 2, 1-29-07
- What are we doing in Iraq?, Part
1, 1-15-07
- The power elite's conspiracy
against America 1-8-07
- Dialectics, Rockefellers, and
population control, Part 4, 1-1-07
- Yes, Virginia, There is a God!
- Dialectics, Rockefellers, and
population control, Part 3, 12-4-06
- Dialectics, Rockefellers, and
population control, Part 2, 12-4-06
- Dialectics, Rockefellers, and
population control, Part 1, 11-27-06
- Democrats, Iraq and 2008
- Religion and World Government,
Part 4, 11-13-06
- Religion and World Government,
Part 3, 11-6-06
- Religion and World Government,
Part 2, 10-30-06
- Religion and World Government,
Part 1, 10-23-06
- The Media and 9-11 10-5-06
- The "Robbing Hood" &
Other Power Elite Principles 9-25-06
- Javier Solana and The End Times
- Mental Health, Education &
Social Control, Part 33, 8-21-06
- Security & Prosperity
Partnership Background 8-7-06
- Our Feudal Future 7-24-06
- Caution: The Dialectic Process at
Work, Part 2, 7-17-06
- Caution: The Dialectic Process at
Work, Part 1, 7-3-06
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 32, 6-26-06
- Global Integration 6-12-06
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 31, 5-15-06
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 30, 5-15-06
- It Shouldn't Have Happened, But it
Did! 5-8-06
- Suckernomics 4-24-06
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 29, 4-17-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 28, 4-10-05
- Order Out Of Chaos 3-27-06
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 27, 3-20-06
- What is The Role of Iran?, Part
2, 2-27-06
- What is The Role of Iran?, Part
1, 2-27-06
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 26, 2-20-06
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 25, 2-6-06
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 24, 1-23-06
- Will You Live Under "The Earth
Charter"? 1-11-06
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 23, 1-2-06
- President Bush's Speech on Iraq
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 22, 12-5-05
- The Debate Over Iraq 11-21-05
- The Holy Bible in Public Schools
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 21, 11-8-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 20, 10-31-05
- New "ABLE Danger"
Information 10-24-05
- The ABLE Danger Hearing That Was
Not 10-10-05
- Failure to Plan? - Part 2,
- Able Danger Hearings Begin
- Failure to Plan? Part 1,
- 9-11 Fourth Anniversary 9-5-05
- Project "Able Danger"
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 19, 8-8-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 18, 8-1-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 17, 7-25-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 16, 7-11-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 15, 6-30-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 14, 6-20-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 13, 5-31-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social
Control, Part 12, 5-16-05
- "Babylon is Fallen, is Fallen,
That Great City" 5-5-05
- Mental
Health, Education and Social Control, Part 11, 5-2-05
- "Lord of The World"
- The Alethea Report 4-7-05
- Americas' New "God"
- Mental
Health, Education and Social Control, Part 10, 3-25-05
- Mental
Health, Education and Social Control, Part 9, 3-13-05
- Mental
Health, Education and Social Control, Part 8, 2-22-05
- Mental
Health, Education and Social Control, Part 7, 2-8-05
- Overly
Optimistic View of Iraqi Voting 2-4-05
- Mental
Health, Education and Social Control, Part 6, 1-24-04
- Mental
Health, Education and Social Control, Part 5, 12-15-04
- Richard
Armitage And The ISI 11-30-04
- Mental
Health, Education and Social Control, Part 4, 10-7-04
- Mental
Health, Education and Social Control, Part 3, 9-23-04
- Mental
Health, Education and Social Control, Part 2, 9-12-04
- Mental
Health, Education and Social Control, Part 1, 8-28-04
- Mental
Health and World Citizenship 8-11-04
- It
Might Just as Well be Sept. 10, 2001 8-5-04
- American
Hypocrisy 7-8-04
- The
Leipzig School 6-25-04
- Sept.
11 Probe Must Consider Flawed Air Defenses 6-15-04
- Waiting
For Brahimi? 5-27-04
- Defend
Our National Sovereignty 5-5-04
- Leaders
Missing Root of Latest Iraq Problems 4-21-04
- Where's
The Accountability For Sept. 11? 4-14-04
- Why
Was Money Taken From Foreign POW's? 4-2-04
- Sept.
11: Hold Government Accountable 3-28-04
- Handicapping
The Race For The White House 3-24-04
- The
Power Elite Exposed 3-16-04
- From
World Citizenship to World Government 3-10-04
- Powerful
Political Forces Always at War 3-5-04
- Economic Assault on
African-Americans And Others in the US 2-7-04
- Why
The 28-Page Gap? 7-29-03
- Expanded
Addendum to Cover-Up, Government Spin or Truth? 4-26-03
- Global Ethics and World
Government 6-15-02
- The
Indiana Connection 4-29-02
"To Achieve One World
Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism,
their loyalty to family traditions and national identification." (Brock Chisholm - Director of the World Health Organization)
"A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to
believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a
reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police
State Dictatorship it's going to
get." (Ian Williams Goddard)
The fact is that "political
correctness" is all about creating uniformity. Individualism is one of the biggest obstacles in the way of
the New World Order. They want a
public that is predictable and conditioned to do as it's told without asking questions.
"The two enemies of the people are
criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the
Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
Thomas Jefferson
- Good afternoon! It's Thursday March 27, 2025 at 3:34 PM Pacific