The Rothschilds and the Crown
When people think of the "Crown", they think of the Queen and the Royal family. In this, they are mistaken.
"When people hear of 'The Crown' they automatically think of the King or Queen; when they hear of 'London' or the 'The City' they instantly think of the capital of England in which the monarch has his or her official residence....When we speak of 'The City' we are in fact referring to a privately owned Corporation - or Sovereign State - occupying an irregular rectangle of 677 acres and located right in the heart of the 610 square mile 'Greater London' area. The population of 'The City' is listed at just over four thousand, whereas the population of 'Greater London' (32 boroughs) is approximately seven and a half million." (
Source)The "City of London" was created after the invasion of William of Orange, who acted on behalf of the disbanded Knights Templar. This is why the Templar Shield is at the center of the city's crest. The descendants of the Templars organized Freemasonry with the Rosicrucians and, later, the Illuminati at the head. These are the real rulers of the English Empire and the City of London is their capital.
"The Bank of England and its monstrous ancient temple of a building is the template for all big central banks that wish to perpetuate the global scam. Located in the private City of London the counterfeiting operation opened its doors in 1694 as an easy way for the Government to create finance. It was only later that the Rothschilds infiltrated the institution. The initial idea came from Scottish money changer William Paterson who some researchers claim was an initiate in to the Order of the Orange, a Merovingian Bloodline secret society developed by Dutch (Templar) Freemason, William of Orange." (
Source)The City of London is governed by the Illuminati-Freemasons and they are governed by their god Lucifer/Satan. The Bank of England owns the Central Banks established around the world, and this is the real power of the modern British Empire. One example is the United States Federal Reserve Bank, which is wholly owned by the Bank of England and her subsidiaries. Thus the world has been enslaved by the Illuminati-Free-Mason conspiracy which exacts her tribute through interest on their various currencies.
"Historically all British military colonies with white populations such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa were under the authority of the Queen and her Government. Whereas all other brown slave colonies such as India, Egypt, Bermuda, Malta, Singapore, Hong Kong, Gibraltar and the African nations were the private property of the Crown, which is the separate board of the City of London. These colonies were exploited for slave labor and trade, to make the cartels richer and more powerful." (Ibid)
"The Crown" has nothing to do with the Queen. It is a private corporation led by the Illuminati. Fascism and slavery are its history, obscene power and profit its goal, no matter what the source:
"During the development of this two tiered British Empire the BRITISH EAST INDIA COMPANY (BEIC) owned by the CROWN began making a fortune through the Opium trade. One of their strategies was to get the vast impoverished Chinese population addicted to opium to create a mass market for the crop, while they also milked their exports at the same time. It didnt matter to the Crown that China outlawed the drug. They wanted money and money they got.
The Royal Family also wanted their greedy claws on the profits so joined their counterparts in the CITY and negotiated a tax on the opium farmers in there Indian colony. Thus huge amounts of opium were shipped from India at a tax to China and the Royal Family added an enormous amount of money to their every increasing pot. Slaves in India produced the opium and gave them a cut for nothing, and impoverished laborers in China bought it to smoke while picking tea leaves for export back to Britain. Next time you pick up a box of teabags with the endorsement stamp By appointment to Her Majesty the Queen, spare a second for our Chinese neighbors." (
Source)The "Crown" not only governs our money, they control our politics and wars. This is why the United States is in Afghanistan. Our young men are fighting for the Crown's control over the Opium industry. In fact, almost 90% of the world's heroin originates in the Afghanistan's poppy fields. The "Crown" manages these assets through its control over the World's Intelligence Agencies (CIA, MI6, etc). So, in essence, American men are dying to enslave other Americans to the most dangerous drug habit known to man.
In Iraq, the objective is oil. Only, without any benefit to the Unites States and its citizenry. Companies like BP, Shell Oil and others that are owned by the "Crown" have partnered with Chinese and Russian interests to lay claim to the real reason we went to war.
"The deal paves the way for global energy giants to return to Iraq 36 years after late dictator Saddam Hussein chased them out, and is seen as a first step to access the earth's third largest proven crude reserves." (
Source)Saddam's real crime was nationalizing the oil fields and depriving the "Crown" of its pound of flesh. The Iraqi National Bank, another "Crown" business venture, was founded 1 year after the U.S. started dropping bombs. (
Source)At the center of the "Crown" conspiracy is the Rothschild Family. The disgraced Templars were forced to align with the Illuminati Jews because of their public relations problems. Templar Knights, who had a death sentence on their head, were able to remain hidden behind the Jewish facade in all of their business transactions, without the risk of exposure.
Interestingly enough, the Bush family can be linked to "the Crown" through their holdings in a bank that reportedly helped funnel Nazi assets out of Germany. (
Source)"The enormous sums of money deposited into the Union Bank prior to 1942 is the best evidence that Prescott Bush knowingly served as a money launderer for the Nazis. Remember that Union Banks' books and accounts were frozen by the U.S. Alien Property Custodian in 1942 and not released back to the Bush family until 1951. At that time, Union Bank shares representing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of industrial stocks and bonds were unblocked for distribution...
The Bushes knew perfectly well that Brown Brothers was the American money channel into Nazi Germany, and that Union Bank was the secret pipeline to bring the Nazi money back to America from Holland. The Bushes had to have known how the secret money circuit worked because they were on the board of directors in both directions: Brown Brothers out, Union Bank in." (Ibid)"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Conastitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." Thomas Jefferson