The Road to Area 51
Area 51. It's the most famous military institution in the world that doesn't officially
exist. If it did, it would be found about 100 miles outside Las Vegas in Nevada's high
desert, tucked between an Air Force base and an abandoned nuclear testing ground. Then
again, maybe not the U.S. government refuses to say. You can't drive anywhere close
to it, and until recently, the airspace overhead was restrictedall the way to outer
space. Any mention of Area 51 gets redacted from official documents, even those that have
been declassified for decades.
It has become the holy grail for conspiracy theorists, with UFOlogists positing that the
Pentagon reverse engineers flying saucers and keeps extraterrestrial beings stored in
freezers. Urban legend has it that Area 51 is connected by underground tunnels and trains
to other secret facilities around the country. In 2001, Katie Couric told Today Show
audiences that 7 percent of Americans doubt the moon landing happenedthat it was
staged in the Nevada desert. Millions of X-Files fans believe the truth may be
"out there," but more likely it's concealed inside Area 51's Strangelove-esque
hangarsbuildings that, though confirmed by Google Earth, the government refuses to
The problem is the myths of Area 51 are hard to dispute if no one can speak on the
record about what actually happened there. Well, now, for the first time, someone is ready
to talkin fact, five men are, and their stories rival the most outrageous of rumors.
Colonel Hugh "Slip" Slater, 87, was commander of the Area 51 base in the 1960s.
Edward Lovick, 90, featured in "What Plane?" in LA's March issue, spent
three decades radar testing some of the world's most famous aircraft (including the U-2,
the A-12 OXCART and the F-117). Kenneth Collins, 80, a CIA experimental test pilot, was
given the silver star. Thornton "T.D." Barnes, 72, was an Area 51
special-projects engineer. And Harry Martin, 77, was one of the men in charge of the
base's half-million-gallon monthly supply of spy-plane fuels. Here are a few of their best
storiesfor the record:
On May 24, 1963, Collins flew out of Area 51's restricted airspace in a top-secret spy
plane code-named OXCART, built by Lockheed Aircraft Corporation. He was flying over Utah
when the aircraft pitched, flipped and headed toward a crash. He ejected into a field of
Almost 46 years later, in late fall of 2008, sitting in a coffee shop in the San Fernando
Valley, Collins remembers that day with the kind of clarity the threat of a national
security breach evokes: "Three guys came driving toward me in a pickup. I saw they
had the aircraft canopy in the back. They offered to take me to my plane." Until that
moment, no civilian without a top-secret security clearance had ever laid eyes on the
airplane Collins was flying. "I told them not to go near the aircraft. I said it had
a nuclear weapon on-board." The story fit right into the Cold War backdrop of the
day, as many atomic tests took place in Nevada. Spooked, the men drove Collins to the
local highway patrol. The CIA disguised the accident as involving a generic Air Force
plane, the F-105, which is how the event is still listed in official records.
As for the guys who picked him up, they were tracked down and told to sign national
security nondisclosures. As part of Collins' own debriefing, the CIA asked the decorated
pilot to take truth serum. "They wanted to see if there was anything I'd for-gotten
about the events leading up to the crash." The Sodium Pento-thal experience went
without a hitchexcept for the reaction of his wife, Jane.
"Late Sunday, three CIA agents brought me home. One drove my car; the other two
carried me inside and laid me down on the couch. I was loopy from the drugs. They handed
Jane the car keys and left without saying a word." The only conclusion she could draw
was that her husband had gone out and gotten drunk. "Boy, was she mad," says
Collins with a chuckle.
At the time of Collins' accident, CIA pilots had been flying spy planes in and out of Area
51 for eight years, with the express mission of providing the intelligence to prevent
nuclear war. Aerial reconnaissance was a major part of the CIA's preemptive efforts, while
the rest of America built bomb shelters and hoped for the best.
"It wasn't always called Area 51," says Lovick, the physicist who developed
stealth technology. His boss, legendary aircraft designer Clarence L. "Kelly"
Johnson, called the place Paradise Ranch to entice men to leave their families and
"rough it" out in the Nevada desert in the name of science and the fight against
the evil empire. "Test pilot Tony LeVier found the place by flying over it,"
says Lovick. "It was a lake bed called Groom Lake, selected for testing because it
was flat and far from anything. It was kept secret because the CIA tested U-2s
When Frances Gary Powers was shot down over Sverdlovsk, Russia, in 1960, the U-2 program
lost its cover. But the CIA already had Lovick and some 200 scientists, engineers and
pilots working at Area 51 on the A-12 OXCART, which would outfox Soviet radar using
height, stealth and speed.
Col. Slater was in the outfit of six pilots who flew OXCART missions during the Vietnam
War. Over a Cuban meat and cheese sandwich at the Bahama Breeze restaurant off the Las
Vegas Strip, he says, "I was recruited for the Area after working with the CIA's
classified Black Cat Squadron, which flew U-2 missions over denied territory in Mainland
China. After that, I was told, 'You should come out to Nevada and work on something
interesting we're doing out there.' "
Even though Slater considers himself a fighter pilot at hearthe flew 84 missions in
World War IIthe opportunity to work at Area 51 was impossible to pass up. "When
I learned about this Mach-3 aircraft called OXCART, it was completely intriguing to
methis idea of flying three times the speed of sound! No one knew a thing about the
program. I asked my wife, Barbara, if she wanted to move to Las Vegas, and she said yes.
And I said, 'You won't see me but on the weekends,' and she said, 'That's fine!' " At
this recollection, Slater laughs heartily. Barbara, dining with us, laughs as well. The
two, married for 63 years, are rarely apart today.
"We couldn't have told you any of this a year ago," Slater says. "Now we
can't tell it to you fast enough." That is because in 2007, the CIA began
declassifying the 50-year-old OXCART program. Today, there's a scramble for eyewitnesses
to fill in the information gaps. Only a few of the original players are left. Two more of
them join me and the Slaters for lunch: Barnes, formerly an Area 51 special-projects
engineer, with his wife, Doris; and Martin, one of those overseeing the OXCART's specially
mixed jet fuel (regular fuel explodes at extreme height, temperature and speed), with his
wife, Mary. Because the men were sworn to secrecy for so many decades, their wives still
get a kick out of hearing the secret tales.
Barnes was married at 17 (Doris was 16). To support his wife, he became an electronics
wizard, buying broken television sets, fixing them up and reselling them for five times
the original price. He went from living in bitter poverty on a Texas Panhandle ranch with
no electricity to buying his new bride a dream home before he was old enough to vote. As a
soldier in the Korean War, Barnes demonstrated an uncanny aptitude for radar and Nike
missile systems, which made him a prime target for recruitment by the CIAwhich
indeed happened when he was 22. By 30, he was handling nuclear secrets.
"The agency located each guy at the top of a certain field and put us together for
the programs at Area 51," says Barnes. As a security precaution, he couldn't reveal
his birth namehe went by the moniker Thunder. Coworkers traveled in separate cars,
helicopters and airplanes. Barnes and his group kept to themselves, even in the mess hall.
"Our special-projects group was the most classified team since the Manhattan
Project," he says.
Harry Martin's specialty was fuel. Handpicked by the CIA from the Air Force, he underwent
rigorous psychological and physical tests to see if he was up for the job. When he passed,
the CIA moved his family to Nevada. Because OXCART had to refuel frequently, the CIA kept
supplies at secret facilities around the globe. Martin often traveled to these bases for
quality-control checks. He tells of preparing for a top-secret mission from Area 51 to
Thule, Greenland. "My wife took one look at me in these arctic boots and this big
hooded coat, and she knew not to ask where I was going."
So, what of those urban legendsthe UFOs studied in secret, the underground tunnels
connecting clandestine facilities? For decades, the men at Area 51 thought they'd take
their secrets to the grave. At the height of the Cold War, they cultivated anonymity while
pursuing some of the country's most covert projects. Conspiracy theories were left to
popular imagination. But in talking with Collins, Lovick, Slater, Barnes and Martin, it is
clear that much of the folklore was spun from threads of fact.
As for the myths of reverse engineering of flying saucers, Barnes offers some insight:
"We did reverse engineer a lot of foreign technology, including the Soviet MiG
fighter jet out at the Area"even though the MiG wasn't shaped like a flying
saucer. As for the underground-tunnel talk, that, too, was born of truth. Barnes worked on
a nuclear-rocket program called Project NERVA, inside underground chambers at Jackass
Flats, in Area 51's backyard. "Three test-cell facilities were connected by railroad,
but everything else was underground," he says.
And the quintessential Area 51 conspiracythat the Pentagon keeps captured alien
spacecraft there, which they fly around in restricted airspace? Turns out that one's
pretty easy to debunk. The shape of OXCART was unprece-dented, with its wide, disk-like
fuselage designed to carry vast quantities of fuel. Commercial pilots cruising over Nevada
at dusk would look up and see the bottom of OXCART whiz by at 2,000-plus mph. The
aircraft's tita-nium body, moving as fast as a bullet, would reflect the sun's rays in a
way that could make anyone think, UFO.
In all, 2,850 OXCART test flights were flown out of Area 51 while Slater was in charge.
"That's a lot of UFO sightings!" Slater adds. Commercial pilots would report
them to the FAA, and "when they'd land in California, they'd be met by FBI agents
who'd make them sign nondisclosure forms." But not everyone kept quiet, hence the
birth of Area 51's UFO lore. The sightings incited uproar in Nevada and the surrounding
areas and forced the Air Force to open Project BLUE BOOK to log each claim.
Since only a few Air Force officials were cleared for OXCART (even though it was a joint
CIA/USAF project), many UFO sightings raised internal military alarms. Some generals
believed the Russians might be sending stealth craft over American skies to incite
paranoia and create widespread panic of alien invasion. Today, BLUE BOOK findings are
housed in 37 cubic feet of case files at the National Archives74,000 pages of
reports. A keyword search brings up no mention of the top-secret OXCART or Area 51.
Project BLUE BOOK was shut down in 1969more than a year after OXCART was retired.
But what continues at America's most clandestine military facility could take another 40
years to disclose.,0,786384.story
ANNIE JACOBSEN is an investigative reporter who sat for more than 500 interviews after
she broke the story on terrorists probing commercial airliners. When she isnt
digging into intelligence issues for the likes of the National Review, shes
snapping together Legos with her two boys.