President Bush's pro-life facade
LINKS: The following links are in no particular order, except for the first few that seek
to establish some of the positions held President Bush--and, in one case, the First Lady.
Most are taken from conservative, pro-life, traditional values-type sources--in a word,
sources that would be supportive of the President, if he were what he claims to be. In a
few instances only a paragraph or two pertain to the subject, but are included because
they are strong statements on the subject.)
Bush: USA isn't ready for total abortion ban
Laura Bush speaks out on abortion
Bush abortion comments spark debate
Bush's walk doesn't match his talk on life
Is there a pro-life Presidential candidate?
Establishment saves Arlen Specter
partial birth abortion scam
Money soaked in the blood of the innocent
Why Christians should not vote for George W. Bush
Olson, arguing in favor of NOW against pro-lifers, is a Bush appointee
Evangelicals frustrated by Bush
Bush betrays pro-life cause again, backs federal aid to overseas abortion providers
President Bush's betrayal: Republicans continue assault on human life
Bush is no hero of the pro-life movement!
The exception makes the rule: "Pro-Life with exceptions" a contradiction in terms
Abortion 'high moral priority' for Bush, but not top political issue
Alan Keyes: President's pro-life rhetoric is political pandering
Bush betrayed pro-lifers again, but did they even notice?
Bush stem cell decision breaks campaign pledge and betrays pro-life conservatives
Pro-life groups say Bush abandoned principles with stem cell decision
Buchanan to Bush: Are you pro-life or not?
Abortion and the echoes of silent assent
Bush gets abortion criticism: Opponent Bauer attacks from the right
Bush, Estrada and NOW--allies against life and speech
Loyal opposition: Bush campaign spins abortion waffling
Look who's championing diversity
Lesser of two evils? It's more like the lesser of two lies
related LINKS
Key Facts on the Unborn Victims of Violence Act
Laci Peterson Case - full trial coverage on
Cal Thomas: The Scott Peterson conundrum