Newly Listed Health Books


Quinn, Dick Left for Dead (1992, 1998) $3.00 (PB) vg (200 pages)
Robbins, John May All be Fed (1992) $3.00 (HB) vg (413 pages)
Trudeau, Kevin Natural Cures they don't want you to know about (2004) updated * $6.00 (HB) vg (572 pages) 2
Trudeau, Kevin Natural Cures they don't want you to know about (2004) $3.00 (PB) vg (572 pages)
Trudeau, Kevin Natural Cures they don't want you to know about (2004) $3.00 (HB) vg (273 pages) 2
Trudeau, Kevin The Weight Loss Cure (2007) * $4.00 (HB) vg (255 pages)
Vegetarian Resource Group Guide to Natural Foods Restaurants (1995, 1996) $4.00 (PB) good
Walford, Roy The 120 Year Diet $2.00 (PB) good (430 pages)
Whole Earth Catalog The Last Whole Earth Catalog (1971) 11x14 $5.00 (PB) fair (444 pages)***


2 dollar books

Carter, Mildred Body Reflexology (1994) $2.00 (PB) good (343 pages)
Mowrey, Daniel Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine (1986) $2.00 (PB) vg (316 pages)
Price, Ronald Beyond the Green (1999) (A novel) $2.00 (HB) vg (272 pages) *
Simone, Charles Cancer & Nutrition (1992) $2.00 (PB) good (338 pages)


Dollar books

Breggin, Peter Talking Back to Prozac (1994) $1.00 (HB) good (273 pages) *
Bricklin, Mark Natural Healing and Nutrition Annual (89) $1.00 (HB) fair (280 pages) *
Brodeur, Paul The Great Power-line Cover-up (1993) $1.00 (HB) fair (326 pages) **
Bulloch, David The Wasted Ocean (1989) $1.00 (HB) fair (150 pages) * **
The Carewise Handbook The Carewise Handbook (1994) $1.00 (PB) good (312 pages)
Donsbach, Kurt Systemic Candidiasis & CFS (1992) $1.00 (PB) fair (78 pages)
Faris, Mickie Hall When Your Kidneys Fail $1.00 (PB) fair (191 pages)
Garrison, Robert The Nutrition Desk Reference (1990) $1.00 (PB) fair (306 pages)
Geiskopf, Susan Putting it up with Homey (1979) $1.00 (PB) fair (205 pages)
Gottlieb, William The Complete book of Vitamins (1984) $1.00 (HB) fair (836 pages)
Hoffman, Matthew Disease Free (1993) $1.00 (HB) fair (572 pages) **
Miller, E. Willard Environmental Hazards: Air Pollution $1.00 (HB) fair (250 pages) **
Muramoto, Naboru (Michel Abehsera) Healing Ourselves (1973) $1.00 (PB) fair (150 pages)
Lipkis, Andy The Simple Act of Planting a Tree (1990) $1.00 (PB) fair (236 pages)
Potash, Warren Your Lower Back (1993) $1.00 (PB) good (203 pages)
Queenan, John A New Life (Pregnancy & birth) (1993) $1.00 (HB) Fair (240 pages)
Rodale, J.I. Complete Book of Vitamins (1966) $1.00 (HB) fair (688 pages) *
Sarno, John Healing Back Pain $1.00 (PB) fair (191 pages)
Shook, Edward Advanced Treatise in Herbology (1978) $1.00 (PB) poor (350 pages)
Whitaker, Julian Reversing Heart Disease (1985) $1.00 (PB) fair (371 pages)
Wohl, Stanley The Medical Industrial Complex 1984 $1.00 (HB) good (218 pages)
  1,001 Home Health remedies $1.00 (HB) good (599 pages)
  Home Medical Dictionary (1988) $1.00 (PB) fair (256 pages)


50 cent books

Bloch, Annette & Richard Fighting Cancer (1985) $0.50 (PB) good (251 pages)
Edelson, Edward Poisons in the Air (1966) $0.50 (PB) poor (160 pages)
Katzenstein, Larry Secrets of St. John's Wort (1998) $0.50 (PB) small (241 pages)

* Dust cover

** Library discard

*** The original price was $5.00

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