The New World Order


Is a New World Order being built before our eyes?

Are the bankers forcing politicians to give them trillions of dollars to stop another Great Depression?

Will the banker bailouts create hyperinflation and then a Great Depression?

Is technology being developed that will enable the NWO Gang to eliminate cash and make everyone buy and sell via a computer chip?

Will that chip eventually be implanted in people like it is in pets now?

Does the Big Brother want to place GPS transponder in every vehicle on Earth so they can track everyone 24-7?

Does the Big Brother want to implant a GPS transponder chip in everyone on Earth so they can track everyone 24-7?

Does Big Brother want to put CCTV cameras in every store, factory and office building home in the world to keep close watch of everyone?

Does Big Brother want to put CCTV cameras in every home in the world to keep close watch of everyone?

Does Big Brother want to put spy cameras in every computer to keep close watch of everyone?

Is Big Brother installing millions of spy cameras in public places to spy on law-abiding citizens rather than to prevent crime?

Is Big Brother placing thousands of spy cameras in satellites, blimps, airplanes and drones to spy on law-abiding citizens rather than to prevent crime?

Does Big Brother listen to virtually every phone call made in the world with its Echelon program?

Big Brother wants all of your biometric information to be able to frame you if you oppose them rather than to make sure you are not a known terrorist?

Big Brother is actively trying to reduce the world's population?

Does Big Brother want to use mobile body scanners to make sure no one is carrying a concealed weapon in public?

Is Big Brother building concentration camps around the world?

Does Big Brother want to confiscate all weapons from citizens so they cannot resist?

Are vaccines being used to make people sick instead of preventing disease?

Is mercury (thimerosal) being used in vaccines to preserve them or to damage the health of the recipients?

Is the NWO Gang spraying toxic chemicals in the skies above thousands of cities all over the world?

Has there been a conspiracy among food makers for decades to put poison in food products?

Does fluoride in water and toothpaste prevent cavities or does it cause serious health problem and does it reduce IQ?

Are some of the members of these organizations working to create a New World Order: Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Freemasons, Skull and Bones Society, Bohemian Club, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Fabian Society, Federal Reserve Corporation and the Knights of Malta?

Are these people members of the NWO Gang: David Rothschild, David Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller IV (Jay), George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Tony Blair, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, Paul Volker, Henry Paulson, Tim Geithner, Lawrence Summers, George Soros, David Gergen Karl Rove and Zbigniew Brzezinski?

Will the men who run the world create another terrorist crisis to impose martial law in America?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions go to the websites below for the answers: - - - - -

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