Within seven days after this Law is enacted, the Congress shall instruct the United States Air Force to shoot down any plane from any Nation flying over the United States or its territories that violate this Act. Considering the fact that millions of tons of Aerosols which are now determined to contain Aluminium Oxide, Barium, Strontium, and Sulphur Hexa-Fluoride Toxins appear to have been already sprayed upon the population of this country, Great Britain, Canada, Ireland and other nations on Earth. One can only conclude, without evidence to the contrary, that these horrendous crimes of astronomical proportions have already been committed against us.
It would appear that the Money Monarchy that rules the United States & Great Britain has declared War upon Mother Earth and the people who inhabit this Planet. It has become clearly evident that this Cabal of Criminals (that create our currency & control our commerce) has determined that 90% of the Earths population are expendable and merely Useless Eaters and are to be terminated to clear the land for the Elite (See Georgia Guidestones for clarification).
The fact is, that we have been, and are now being bombarded with Toxic Particulates from the air above us. This is Fact - not Fiction & were paying for it. It is killing our birds, our fish, our trees, the animals that live on the land and the sea mammals in the waters that surround us. This dumping of poisonous toxins upon our people is bringing about Alzheimers, Autism, & Respiratory diseases to this Nation as never seen before. We are witnessing an Act of Treason - the size of which has never been experienced in the history of the World. The life of every living creature on this Planet is literally at stake.
Our right as a people to protect ourselves from any Predator, President, or Politician as guaranteed in our Declaration of Independence has not changed. It has not been extinguished. It has not been amended. Regardless of how many legions of lawyers have levied laws upon us in an attempt to repeal our rights to protect ourselves from them, our right of self determination, life & liberty remain.
What we are witnessing with the Aerosol Death Dumps that are dropping upon our people each day is most evident. War against the people of this Planet has been declared. The goal of these Globalists is to radically reduce the population of the Planet. This has been planned for well over a century and is now being perpetrated by Malthusian-Minded-Men like David Rockefeller, Jacques Cousteau, Bertrand Russell, Zbignew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, Prince Philip & the Rothschilds to kill off 9 out of 10 people now living on this Planet, and to establish Global Government under a New World Order. The current method of their madness is to make the air unsafe to breathe and the water too toxic to drink.
The crimes against our country are now so intolerable that it has become necessary that We, the People, conduct an independent investigation. It must be both private and apart from all Government Courts and their Alphabet Agencies. They cant be trusted to investigate themselves and try their own criminals. These hearings will be conducted to consider the removal of both the elected and selected Leaders, who have allowed these atmospheric crimes to be perpetrated upon the innocent, ignorant & unsuspecting amongst our society .