A conference - Invoking the British Constitution
24th January 2009
Actions not words
It is the British people’s right to govern themselves, and not to be
dictated to by an unelected European elite, which has no understanding of, or sympathy for
our historic customs, our way of life, our system of governance, our laws, or our British
Constitution. For several decades now, behind a shield of lies and deceit, the collective
political establishment in Great Britain
has conspired to deny us our democratic right to decide who will govern us; they have
destroyed our legal
system, vandalised our constitution that protects our freedoms, and replaced them with a
new legal and political order for which we have never asked, nor do we want. Whilst
politicians are rewarded for their betrayal, the British people, in stark contrast, have
had their rights, freedoms and liberties tossed aside.
If we do not have the courage and fortitude to stand up for our freedoms, then we surely
deserve to lose them. In that unhappy case, how will we face our children, our dependents
and the memory of those that have died in defence of our freedom?
At the conference we will:
• Describe and Re-Affirm the supremacy of the British Constitution.
• Declare the Lisbon
Treaty illegal and unlawful, thus rejecting the EU constitution.
• Renounce EU citizenship.
• Reject the authority of the European
Court of Justice.
• Declare our own Courts supreme - under the rule of our laws.
• Reject the authority of the unelected EU commission.
• Declare our status as ‘Freemen
on the Land’.
• Declare that our Nation remains independent of the EU.
• Declare the EU flag and insignias as offensive - and ban them.
• Declare the 1972 European Communities
Act unconstitutional and thus illegal and unlawful.
• Declare the Treaty on the European Union (Maastricht)
1992 unconstitutional, and thus illegal and unlawful.
• Declare that acts of treason have been committed and name those involved.
• Swear allegiance to the British Constitution and our cause, so as to reclaim our
national independence.
• Establish a path to our own Council of Governance as Freemen on the Land
With our declaration, we invite fellow British
subjects / citizens to join our fight to regain our independence, to restore the
supremacy of the British Constitution, our laws, our Courts, our Parliament
and our right to govern ourselves.
The Conference marks the start of real action to expose the truth and wrestle control of
our country back from deceitful and duplicitous politicians. We no longer trust the
political system that claims authority to govern us; it is corrupt and thus we reject it.
The Conference will set out the actions needed to take back control of our country,
through lawful rebellion, the withdrawal of our consent to be governed by the existing
corrupt system, and by denying legitimacy to the existing collective political
establishment. We are not able to change the present political establishment- we must
simply dismantle it. We must build a new and better model, based on God, faith, truth,
honesty, courage, morality and compassion; for these form the very foundations of our
nation - foundations which have been deliberately attacked and destroyed by the common
purpose of the European Union. Our success is assured if we remain true to these
attributes. In rebuilding our nation, we hold no hostility to any good man within these
Isles, and we extend a firm hand of friendship to those nations within Europe, and overseas, who stand by us in
our endeveaour. We extend a special hand of friendship to those nations within our
Commonwealth, with whom we have a common bond across the ages.
All attendees will be asked to swear an allegiance to our cause and renounce EU
citizenship. Action, not words, is key to our success. This is the start of a campaign to
directly challenge the legitimacy and practices of those who claim to have authority over
us. Our rights come from the British Constitution, which this and previous governments
have set out to deceitfully destroy. We will give our interpretation of the British
Constitution and state its purpose, and we will declare its supremacy. We will expose the
evil works of those who are liars, corrupt, criminal and / or depraved within and around
the present political system and the offices of government. We will name those politicians
and others who have betrayed us and we will call upon them to change their ways or be
fully exposed as anti-British. With truth, and fortitude on our side, we fear no man.
DATE: 24th January 2009 from 11.00 a.m. until 5.00 p.m.
VENUE: Kings Hall. Glebe Street. Stoke-on-Trent. ST4 1JR
FEE: £12.50 per head. Payment by cheques or credit/debit cards
BOOKINGS: Only 1,000 places available. Early booking essential
Tel: 01752 312743 10.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. Monday - Friday or
0781 352 9383
Email reservations may be made via www.thebcgroup.org.uk
mail roger@thebcgroup.org.uk
CHEQUES: The British Constitution Goup
Unit 20 Argyle Estate Argyle Street South Birkenhead CH41 9HH
Volunteers needed in a variety of small tasks. All donations gratefully received. All
monies will be used to further the cause
Link (page 3):- http://www.ukcolumn.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/octukcolumnwebcopy.