book gives any congregation the information it needs to choose the man that YAHWEH has
chosen for them. It does not explain how to choose an entertaining or charismatic pastor.
Instead it shows a search committee how to choose the most dedicated man for the position
who will lay down his life for you (John 15.13) rather than try to get as much money and
benefits from you that he can.
you take each candidate through the five-step process you will know which man YAHWEH has
chosen to shepherd your flock or if noe of them have been chosen.
To read it on line click How to Choose a Pastor
To order a paperback copy email us or call 928.273.2859.

All material on this web site is educational and it is
all copyrighted - 2010-2014. It can be used only with written permission for non-profit
use. All rights reserved.
- Going therefore, make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the HOLY SPIRIT, teaching
them to observe all things whatever I commanded you. And behold, I am with you all the
days until the completion of the age. YAHSHUA of Nazareth

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