The biggest kook in America, Fat Boy rushia Bimbo, put together a "kook list" that is designed to make anyone who believes in a conspiracy look like a kook.

According to Bimbo, if you believe any of the following you are a kook (the true answer in brackets):

1.  The Mexican bailout was designed to bailout Wall Street financiers and not help Mexico. [True]

2.  The media conspires to keep the secret Bilderberger meetings out of the news. [True]

3.  The corporate elite are grabbing power for themselves and not to benefit you. [True]

4.  The Federal Reserve System is a private corporation that runs the country behind the scenes. [True]

5.  The weapons stockpiled on Okinawa after WWII were kept there for planned wars in Korea and Vietnam. [Do not know]

6.  Pres. Kennedy was not killed by a lone nut. [True!]

7.  Foreign aid is designed to insure the international bankers are paid the interest on their loans they make to foreign nations. [True]

8.  The media isn't telling you all the facts about the Oklahoma City bombing. [True]

9.  The elitists are working to change the form of government to a parliamentary system. [False]

10. The pyramid on the back of the $1 bill, the all seeing eye and the "new order of the ages" inscribed in Latin have some special meaning. [True]

(Fat Boy Radio Show, Hot Air Network, 9.28.1995)

If you do not believe all of the above, except numbers 5 & 9,  you are either extremely ignorant of the facts or brain-dead. If you know they are true and lie about them, like Fat Boy does, you are a fool. Fat Boy was bought and paid for by minions of the "High Cabal" to feed the unwashed masses puke while keeping the meaningful issues buried.  I cannot verify number 5 and the elitists are seeking to create an overt dictatorship run by them without a parliament.

It is no surprising that Fat Boy never talks about the New World Order, the Fed, CFR, TC, Bilderbergers, Club of Rome, and Illuminati. He has bought the media lie about Pres. Kennedy, the WTC and Oklahoma City bombings, Ruby Ridge and Waco. He supports NAFTA and GATT, and never bucks the straight Republican line.

Fat Boy is a Big, Fat Phony! He is a wolf in sheep's clothing, a liberal parading about as a conservative. Anyone who listens to him is living in a fantasy world created by the "High Cabal" to keep you asleep.