Bimbo is now a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, proving he is a con-artist.
Bimbo cannot afford to tell it like it is -- he can't be objective. "Doing so simply isn't in his best interest." When it came to Mickey Mantle, the boozaholic Bimbo did not condemn him for getting special treatment, yet he says everyone on welfare must be cast adrift. He brands them as "cheats" and demands they be given the axe. It does not hurt his image to "float the canard that they're largely to blame for the entire budget shortfall either, even though welfare transfer payments make up less than 10 percent of the national budget."
He cannot afford to be honest. "Limbaugh's truth is Janus-faced. Ditto heads defend him like rabid dogs because in both cases they agree with his viewpoint. The diametric incongruity simply doesn't register. But critics see a gargantuan con-in-progress. In their view, Limbaugh truth is protean and tawdry."
Though Bimbo is a bad con-artist he is a worse One Worlder. He pushed GATT and ridiculed everyone who opposed it. He accused them of failing to understand free trade or of being One World Order-phobes. After all the smoke over GATT, he reluctantly admitted he had not read even one word of it. Rush probably supported GATT thinking that since he is a conservative and conservatives are for GATT, then he must be for it. [Ed. note: Could it be someone tells Rush what to say? Yes!]
Another attractive feature of Rush is his narcism. he becomes "intoxicated by the sound of his own voice... and seldom resists the urge to launch into long soliloquies. But like a drunkard, he rarely remembers specifics from some of these majestic diatribes."
His lack of consistency causes him to make some of the most ludicrous contradictory statements ever uttered by a radio jock. In a fit of rage he branded all moderates as poltroons and a few minutes later he called Colin Powell a moderate. He was slammed between a rock and a hard place when a caller pointed out this blatant contradiction and asked if Rush considered Colin a coward. He had nowhere to hide. He denied making the statement, treated the intelligent woman with contempt, and cut her off.
Bimbo also has a bad habit of changing his positions frequently. He backed NAFTA to the hilt helping it squeak through, but when the Mexican financial crisis didn't fair well with the American people, Rush turned his back on NAFTA and said Mexico should not be bailed out.
Bimbo does whatever he thinks will make him a success. He started his radio career spinning records in the 1980s. He jumped on the conservative bandwagon and became a radio talk jock. He spent most of his time talking about how great he is and he still does. Rational people consider him to be more of a cockatoo than a conservative. "But many regard him as a charming buffoon with an amusing line of patter, a sort of conservative-lite combined with low-brow comedy just short of whoopee cushion schtick." The clown act worked and his audience grew. Sadly, many middle-class Americans accepted him as their spokesman.
Bimbo knows that he isn't a tenth of the man he claims to be and rarely lets anyone on who is smarter than him. His screener does a good job at keeping rational people off the air. He doesn't want to risk "getting his head handed to him. It doesn't make good business sense, and his audience might start thinking their emperor has no clothes." If he didn't have his screener weed out the intelligent callers he might "tangle with someone with better than the room-temperature IQ he faces every day on the radio; he would be rhetorically eviscerated in short order.
"Limbaugh will never place himself in a forum where anyone with a lick of sense can have at him. If he does, he knows, the game is up."
Bimbo mocks people that believe there is a group of wealthy people who run the country for their benefit. "Perhaps because he is a fairly recent member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Limbaugh has taken pains to ridicule those who fear the possibility that there indeed may be people in high echelons of government, banking, and industry who may not have the best interests of the country as a whole, or its citizens, upper-most in mind. But instead of rational discussion, Limbaugh instead parodies them with his kook test."
Even though Bimbo claims he doesn't believe in any kind of a conspiracy he constantly bewails the control of the press by the liberals. "Relentlessly slamming the mainstream media--charging they are part of some preposterous conspiracy or are the lap-dog lackeys of liberals--has convinced many ditto heads that nothing they say is true. Meanwhile, Limbaugh has foisted great gobs of his own propaganda into the vacuum, all of it at least as untrue as the other. He's convinced ditto heads that they are now wily, independent thinkers, while in fact all they have done is exchange one poisoned information trough for another." It is this kind of nonsensical rhetoric which destroys his credibility.
The most annoying aspect of rushia Bimbo is his false modesty. He claims that he is very uncomfortable talking about himself, yet that is all he does.
It should be noted that Bimbo does not support the pro-life position. "You people out there who have this pro-life paranoia need to realize that it's just one issue," he boldly said (Oct. 25, 1995).
Bimbo is nothing but a carnival barker trying to get people to buy something they don't need. He mixes in self-flattery with pseudo-conservatism and pushes his books, newsletter, videos, ties and nose bandages that keep people from snoring. Rush sounds like a "high-coiffed televangelist" and leads some to realize they got something entirely different than they thought they were getting.
Bimbo is nothing but a "pop messiah" who is "perfect for a sound-byte society. Real in-depth policy wonkers can't draw a crowd because the issues are complicated and intellectuals are often boring."
Ditto heads will blindly follow Bimbo into the sea like the snakes followed St. Patty if they don't pull their heads out and take a look at reality.
Bimbo was given an opportunity to respond to this article before press, but refused to. (Media Bypass, January 1996, p. 10)
Bimbo is a parrot of the "High Cabal" who spews out pseudo-conservative puke to pacify the middle-class to keep them from prying into the machinations of the "High Cabal" and its puppet rulers. Ditto heads are brain-dead and will be the first ones to suffer the pains of the New World Nightmare that will soon fall upon them with the weight of a trillion neutron stars.