Free World Film Works
This is the official
®. We are dedicated to bringing the truth to the people of the planet through
Anthony J. Hilder's documentary films. Please do not purchase our products from other
vendors. Websites selling our products are being illegally bootlegged. Please support
our efforts by purchasing them here only. - 
World Alliance news and commentary

Its no longer safe to breathe the air, eat the food, or
drink the water. The people of this Planet are being deliberately poisoned by a Criminal
Cabal, whose goal it is to own the World, everything, and everyone in it. They know that
the majority of the population is arrogant, ignorant, & apathetic - or dont give
a damn. The people have become like puppets & pawns. They will be sacrificed
when necessary. This Evilarchy makes nothing but Death, Debt & Disease. Get
your copy of Air Auschwitz and learn what Big Brother is dumping into the air we all
breathe. Once you have watched this astounding video pass it on. Give it to people you
love to wake them up from their sleep. Give it to someone and get it back after they have
watched it and then give it to someone else. Keep giving it out until everyone you know is
fully awake. |
To order any of
Anthony's films click here
If you wish to donate
to Free World Film Works so Anthony can make more films and
travel to England for speaking engagements click here.
here to email us

Anthony exposes the criminal corporation called the "Fed."
To order
your copy via paypal click
here or place an order via email
or call 928.273.2859
Book Big Brother is Watching You Click here.
This book
shows that the New World Order is rapidly
approaching. It also shows that the Bible clearly teaches the Rapture
is not an imminent event and that it
cannot take place at any moment. Many prophetic warning signs have already been fulfilled, and many more
must be fulfilled before the Tribulation starts.
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