The study of eschatology (last things) is not as difficult as most theologians claim. If you use the only principle of hermenuetics that YAHWEH Elohim has given the elect as you study Thee Infallible, Holy Word of YAHWEH Elohim and ask the HOLY SPIRIT to give you understanding He will.
This hermenuetical principle is:
"Take everything literally in context unless the Scriptures say it is symbolic or unless it is physically impossible for it to be or to take place."
Before you start your study of eschatology or the Bible in general you must set down a study program. You may follow the one I use or develop one of your own.
I read a passage or book once a day for 30 or more days to get acquainted with it. I also listen to it on audio tape, usually as I drive about town. You can also listen to it as you do chores at home or around the yard.
I then do a study of the background of the passage or book consulting commentaries, but I do not go beyond that. I do NOT consult any commentaries, books, articles, tapes, etc. about the passage or book I study until after I have finished studying it. Next I make a list of the what, when, why, where and who questions and make an outline. I also make a teaching outline. I memorize the entire passage or book or the key passages and meditate on them.
After I have completed all of these preliminary exercises I write my commentary relying on the HOLY SPIRIT to teach me as He promised (I Yochanan 2.20,27). I start by making my own translation and then I write down what the HOLY SPIRIT gives me. After I finish the entire passage or book I proof read it and edit it as many times as needed. Once I think I am finished I consult other commentaries and have the bishops of the local assembly I am part of read it. I take whatever advice they give me and edit it again, if necessary. At this time I am are ready to teach on that passage or book, but not until then.
Exercise One
Take the Eschatology 101 introductory quiz.
Exercise Two
List the signs that we are living in the last days of the last days.
Lesson One
Do an exegetical study of the Olivet Discourse. First merge Leviy 24 and 25, Markos 13, Loukas 21 and also add Loukas 17 (even though it isn't part of the Olivet Discourse). Remember to follow the study program noted above or develop one yourself. If you decide not to use the study program I use write down the one you develop so I can exam it.
Lesson Two
Do an exegetical study of Revelation chapter 6.
Exercise Three
Explain whether or not the first five seals of Revelation are described by YAHSHUA in the Olivet Discourse (Leviy 24.4-10).
Lesson Three
Do an exegetical study of I Thessalonians 5.1-11.
Lesson Four
Do an exegetical study of 2 Thessalonains 2.1-12.
Lesson Five
Do an exegetical study of I Korinthians 15.12-58.
"It is most difficult to free slaves from the chains they worship." DOV