America is doomed! |
It is the job of every Patriot to wake up as
many fellow Americans as we can. The only ones who can save this great country are WE THE PEOPLE! Read, read, read and then pass it on! Together we can take our country back from the criminals who took it away from us. The people listed below are deliberately destroying America. They want to turn it into a open dictatorship, kill all who oppose them and make everyone else their slaves. Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. George Orwell
scroll down to see who wants you dead
America In Decline: A Society In Denial 27 Signs - 24 Signs - 12 bad signs - 19 Facts America is doomed 25 top crooks - List of criminals - Inflation - America is getting poorer -
Business |
Politicians/Bureaucrats |
Entertainers |
ben bernanke alan greenspan paul o'neill henry paulson robert rubin john snow lawrence summers paul volker
Ringleaders george h.w. bush george w. bush dick cheney donald rumsfeld (barak hussein obama)
Govenors arnold schwarzenegger mike huckabee
Senators barbara boxer diane feinstein larry craig henry reid joe biden christopher dodd john ensign
Congresscritters john conyers barney frank nancy pelosi charles rangel chuck schumer henry waxman
Freelancers rudy guiliani
Bureaucrats james baker mike chertoff rahm emanuel robert gates timmy geithner eric holder john holdren janet napolitano george shultz |
arnold schwarzenegger
Educators richard dawkins
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