HERETIC HUNTERS I WANT YOU! I am looking for a few good Heretic Hunters. |
The Apostasy
Apostates John Hagee James Robison
Ministers of the devil Political Stooges Jerry Falwell (deceased) John Hagee Unqualified Pastors Leo Giovinetti (Virtually all Calvary Chapel Pastors) Cult Leaders (The men/women below are wolves in sheep's clothing. Matthew 7.15; Acts 20.29) Non-Rev.
Ike Take the Challenges Web Archive |
If you have had your "senses trained to discern good and evil" (Hebrews 5.14) -- I want you! I want to recruit several Heretic Hunters to seek out and refute the myriad heretics that plague America and the world. If you want to bring these false teachers and false prophets to justice -- shoot me an e-mail today. I need your help to expose these wolves in sheep's clothing (Levi-Matt. 7.15) who have "secretly introduce destructive heresies" (2 Keph-Peter 2.1) and also to expose those within the Assembly who are teaching "perverse things, to draw away disciples after them" (Acts 20.30). If you have the right SPIRIT and you are walking in
the SPIRIT (Gal. 5.16, 25)
-- send me an e-mail
To your left and the right are some false teachers and false prophets I have exposed and continue to expose. The poor men below teach false doctrines concerning eschatology. Avoid them altogether. Remember this all important TRUTH: Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words. (Proverbs 23.9) When you explain the truth to someone about a false doctrine, a heretic, a false teacher or a false prophet and he rejects the truth he most likely is a fool. Share the truth and if he rejects it go your way. Do not throw pearls before swine (Levi-Matthew 7.6) "When? When will the Rapture take place?" A new book about the coming New
World Order and Bible prophecy. Pre-Trib False Doctrine Jerry Jenkins Tim LaHaye Hal Lindsey Chuck Missler Chuck Smith Jerry Falwell (deceased) (Take the Pre-Trib Challenge. It will change your life!) Preterist False Doctrine Preterism? Biblical or heresy?
Partial Preterists Jamey Bennett Michael Blume Andrew Corbett Gary DeMar Ken Gentry Hendrick Hanegraaff Jay Rogers Larry Smith R.C. Sproul Dan Trotter
Full Preterists John Anderson David B. Curtis Ken Davies Todd Dennis Rod Edwards David Embury John Evans Ward Fenley Michael A. Fenemore Sam Frost David Green Walt Hibbard Donald Hochner Homer Hailey Daniel Harden Ian Harding Max King Tim King Brian Martin John Noe Randal Otto Don Preston Bob Ross Kurt Simmons Ed Stevens J. Stuart Russell (Deceased. Considered to be the father of the modern-day Preterist movement) Glorymongers Harold Camping* (deceased)
Kenny Copeland
Paul Crouch* (deceased) Jesse Duplantis* (Jerry Falwell (deceased) Grant Jeffrey (deceased) Hendrick
Benny Hinn* Jack van Impe* T.D. Jakes* Jerry Jenkins* Tim LaHaye* (deceased) Hal Lindsey* Arnold Murray (deceased) Joel Osteen* Oral Roberts (deceased) Chuck Smith* (deceased) Robert Schuller** (deceased) Jimmy Swaggart Rick Warren* * = Super glorymonger ** = Super-duper glorymonger DOV Ministries DOV Used Book Shoppe Web Design LTD Editor Services Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly divind the Word of truth. (2 Timothy 2.15) And the things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men. who will be able to teach others also. (2 Timothy 2.2) ...as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and the unstabledistort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction. (2 Peter 3.16) Cults Cults - Cult Watch - Roman Catholic Corporation Islam - Mormonism - Jehovah Witnesses These books can help a newborn spiritual baby in YAHSHUA grow to a mature spiritual adult and even be a pastor. |
It's time to clean up the Assembly. Join me in this vital work to cleanse the Body of YAHSHUA of the malignant cancers that plague it in these last days of the "last days." With the guidance and teaching of the HOLY SPIRIT and Thee Infallible, Holy Word of YAHWEH Elohim we can cleanse the Assembly of these heretics! Young Earth Articles about the young Earth hypothesis
Ecumenicalists Paul
Crouch (deceased) James Robison Pentematics Paul Crouch (deceased) Oral Roberts (deceased) Chuck Smith (deceased) Don Swaggart Moneymongerers Jerry Falwell* (Deceased) Non-Rev. Ike** Tim LaHaye* (deceased) Arnold Murray (deceased) Oral Roberts * (deceased) Robert Schuller* (deceased) Chuck Smith* (deceased) * = Super-moneymonger
All material on this web site is educational and it is all copyrighted - 1999-2019. It can be used only with written permission for non-profit use. All rights reserved.
It is most difficult to free slaves from the chains they worship. DOV
Some of those chains are the false teachers listed above.